Taylor pt3

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Valentina's p.o.v

My mouth was still opened in shocked as I watched the tv. The news reporter was still standing in front of the house where Taylor got shot.

"-----she's currently at the Regions Hospital in critical condition." The news reporter continued.

I turned the tv off and closed my mouth. That's crazy, I thought. It probably was a burglar. She didn't live in the best neighboorhood.

I could hear rambling on my phone. I looked down, to see Macy still on my line. I almost forgot she was there.

"Val? Val? Helloooo?"

I swallowed hard, "Yes?" I responded.

"Did you see it? I got about fifty people that texted me about it. I don't even know half of the there names! Everyones talking about it. There hasn't been something like that in this city for years!" Macy shouted frantically.

I wasn't sure what to think. "Yea, that is something alright," I responded in a daze.

Macy didn't say anything for a minute and then she spoke again. "Wanna go see her?" She asked seriously.

My eyes narrowed for a second on the phone. What does she mean to go see her?

"Why do you wanna see her?" I asked slowly. "You don't even know her like that."

I had a sickening feeling she just wanted to get the inside scoop and could care less of how she's doing.

"There's probably news reporters there at the hospital, we can be on tv!" Macy said excitedly.

Slowly it seemed like the more she talked the more respect I was losing for her. "I don't think that's a good idea," I said feeling irritated.

Macy was quiet for a second, but replied with a long okay and hung up.

My phone was now silent. I shook my head, no wonder Macy and I didn't get to close as friends. That was just inconsiderate.

I get Taylor wasn't the nicest person, but after all, she used to date Blake. Who could forget what Blake did to her face? Because I couldn't.

I sat on the couch, feeling upset. "Why her?" I asked out loud.

I turned my phone on, and flipped through the contacts.

I didn't want to, but I wanted to know how Taylor was doing.

The phone rang for a few seconds before an answer.

"Hello?" A male tired voice greeted me.

"Hey Brian," I said slowly.

"Valentina?" He said groggily.


"This isn't the best time, Taylor is in the hospital---" I cut him off.

"I know, I was wondering if you knew how she was doing?" I bit my lip nervously.

I knew Taylor and him was somewhat close friends.

Brian let out a deep breath. "Don't expect a miracle. She's not looking so well."

I felt really upset hearing his words. Don't expect a miracle.

"Look I gotta go, I'm really tired, and I wanna get some rest."

"Wait! Brian, are you at the hospital she's in?" I asked I started biting my fingernails. How did he know how she looked.

"Yes." He answered. "I'm in a chair staring at her in the hospital room."

I really didn't have much to say. And it felt so weird talking to Brian again.

"Can I come and see her? I would---"

"No," Brian interrupted. "They only let certain people in the room. Her parents are the ones who let me in since they know me."

Disappointment rose in me, but I nodded in understanding. "Okay."

Brian hung up, leaving me worried.

Don't expect a miracle.

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