Hospital Mistake

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Valentina's p.o.v.

I stared at the entrance of the emergency room. There were reporters standing by the entrance, almost completely blocking it. I sighed heavily as I watched from the inside of my jeep. I looked around the parking lot slowly.

Time seemed to be going in slow motion. I was just hoping Taylor was alright. And what about the rest of her family?

She clearly lived in a bad neighborhood, but she was the only person injured that night. I shut off my engine and got out of the car slowly.

It was very windy and I didn't know what to expect, I just wanted to check on Taylor. I don't think I would say we were friends, however I think she is a nice enough girl.

I started to walk towards the entrance, hoping the reporters would move out of the way as I got closer.

One male reporter spotted me and started walking towards me with his camera man.

I sighed irritated, I didn't wanna talk to anyone.

He stopped in front of me, making me go around him, but he blocked me again from moving.

He pointed his mic in my face. "Excuse me miss, did you know Miss Taylor? The teen who got shot in a bad neighborhood? You look her age, do you know her?"

He looked at me very determined as I got more irritated.

I didn't say anything and just kept my head down, pushing past him.

Some of the reporters caught on to what was happening and started coming up to me.

All of a sudden I was bombarded with questions.

"Do you go to school with Taylor?"

"What's your relationship like with Taylor?"

"Do you know who could have done this?"

Question after question came, and I kept walking towards the entrance. I was very annoyed, this is a fucking hospital and these reporters just don't care.

I kept my mouth closed as I reached the front door, quickly shutting it behind me.

They didn't follow me inside and I sighed with relief.

Making my way to the front desk, I was really nervous. Taylor and I wasn't even friends, I'm not sure if she would even wanna see me.

"Excuse me," I said nervously to the nurse. "I'm here to see Taylor," I gulped, wondering if coming here was a mistake.

"Are you family?" She instantly replied back.

I shook my head, knowing what was coming next.

"Only family at this time dear, I'm sorry."

I mumbled a quick thanks and turned around to have a seat.

I looked around the waiting room, noticing there was cheerleaders from our school here. In fact a bunch of kids from school were here.

Some were crying, some not saying a word, and then there was Blake and -------


I looked straight her, wondering what she was doing here. She was leaning against a vending machine, eyes towards the ceiling.

I didn't want her to catch me staring....but seriously what was she doing here? Last time I checked she shouldn't be anywhere near Taylor.

She had on a sweatshirt like me, and some joggers on. Her hair was completely down.

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