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Valentina's p.o.v.

I felt a little better driving to school after talking with Blake. I admitted in my head that I will give her another chance. After all, it did seem like bad timing.

Once Blake and I reached the school, we parted our separate ways, knowing we would see each other tomorrow.

I checked the clock in the school hallways. 12:20pm It read.

My gym and class were done for. Now it was time for my Spanish class. I hesitated even opening the door, I wasn't sure if I wanted to see Brian right now.

He messaged me when I was at my house, but I still don't understand why he didn't message earlier.

He could've been busy, but I honestly doubt it.

I opened the door loudly, cringing as the hinges made a loud sound.

I slowly closed the door, making everyone at there desks look up at me. The teacher gave me a glance but continued the lesson.

I walked to the back of the classroom past all the students and sat down next to Brian.

As I sat down, I noticed him looking at me with a frown, but didn't say anything.

What's his problem? I thought to myself, already feeling annoyed.

I took out a pen and my notebook to write down what the teacher was saying. I stole a look at Brian, who was still looking ahead with a clenched jaw.

The pencil in his hand was tapping slowly on the desk as he stared straight ahead not paying me any attention.

The class had about 35 minutes left and I was already starting to regret coming back to school. Brian looked like he was going to say something any minute and I wasn't going to like it one bit.

I noticed his hair didn't look very comb, and he wore a sweatshirt and Adidas sweatpants.

The teacher was still teaching something on the board and I wasn't paying any attention. I noticed how she said something about watching a video and most of the students started clapping.

In the meantime, I was just staring at Brian. Noticing his features more intently. I watched as his eyes slowly looked at me, and then quickly faced front.

I let out a deep loud annoyed breath on purpose. I continued to stare him down until he decided to talk to me.

I knew there was probably a lot on his mind, and he would talk to me eventually; letting me know some of his thoughts.

He finally turned to me, and he didn't say a word at first. But I knew it was coming, sooner or later.

He opened his mouth and then closed it, turning back to the front of the class.

I let out a small laugh. This was ridiculous, it was obvious he was going to say something, so I didn't understand why he had to be so childish.

This time Brian looked at me when I laughed. I tilted my head, as I looked into his hard brown eyes, waiting for him to say something.

"Where were you?" He asked casually.

"Home," I respond quickly.

"Why?" He asked. His body language said I don't care at all. But his face says, I am too weak of a guy to say what is actually on my mind.

Something was clearly on his mind and I didn't like to sugarcoat.

"I met Taylor," I answered. I was going to say something else, but I wanted to see how he would respond first. I didn't know if he knew Taylor or not. But if he did....why wouldn't he bring that up before?

Brian boxed his lips as he turned his head.....he was hiding a smile.

It was also clear he may not be my friend for much longer with that attitude.

"Are you smiling?" I asked disgustedly. I could feel almost every inch of respect slowly draining away.

Brian shook his head, and his smile disappears. He leaned next to my ear and whispered, "In my defence, I did tell you so."

"So you do know who Taylor is?" I asked irritated. I was irritated not just at him, but at Blake. Was she telling me the truth?

"That's her off and on girlfriend," He started to say. I raised my hand to get him to stop talking.

So she was telling the truth? I thought.

I put my hand down, and Brian continued. "She's a cheerleader, but unlike a lot of cheerleaders she's a real--"

"Bitch," I finished off for him. "I met her in the bathroom, well technically, she confronted me. She told me to stay away from her girl, blah blah blah," I complained.

The video was still playing in the front of the class, and there were only 15 minutes of class left.

Brian was quiet for some reason, and I turned to look at him. His brown eyes studied my face as his brows furrowed.

"I was going to say that she's really nice. She can be a little protective over Blake, but hopefully, she comes to her senses and dumps Blake for good." He replied softly.

When I didn't say anything he added, "That's why I didn't answer your text for a few days. Blake is only going to hurt you." He said.

I didn't know whether to believe him or not. The fact that he smiled when I said Taylor's name, it just sat uneasily with me.

"Yea, okay." I turned towards the front again, and watch the video, clearly giving the 'I don't feel like talking to you' vibe.

He smirked and rested his head on his head. This was just great. I thought. Only one semester left.

Winter Break was coming up and I was looking forward to it. I regretted leaving school, and now I regret coming back.

About five minutes went past without either one of us saying anything.

Then out of the blue, Brian turned to me. "Would you like to go bowling and maybe grab something to eat?"

My instant response was no. But I didn't say that right off the back.


"I think we're letting Blake and her drama come between us. I think our friendship can be better, you know? We were good friends before." He said convincingly.

What he was saying was true. At first, I thought he wanted to take me out for a date. Especially after hearing that annoying rumour Zane told me about.

"Fine," I replied. I didn't have a good excuse, and I wasn't sure about our friendship still be intact, but it won't hurt, and who knows....we might actually have fun.

But I will make sure to watch him in the meantime.

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