Bad news part 2

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Val's p.o.v

      I never thought I would be involved with anything like this. Taylor was scared out of her mind, and all I could do was stare at her and giving soothing words. Well not really soothing, more like words to say to make things less weird. She left my house in a hurry, balling her eyes out. 

  I didn't realize the things Blake was capable of. Could she've been mistaken? .... Then again, how could you forget when someone shoots at you? 

   I sat on my bed deep in my own thoughts. I wanted to call Taylor, but I wouldn't know what to say. How does evidence just go missing.  Before I knew it, two hours have gone past with me just sitting on my bed. 

  I heard the front door open, and heard the jiggling of my dad's keys. He's been so busy with work, that I barely get to talk to him anymore. He's still my best friend though. I walk out of my room to greet him. He's carrying several bags and he looks tired. He has bags under his eyes, and he looks at lot older. 

        His eyes meet mine, and he smiles softly. "Let me help you dad," I offered, walking towards him. 

    He shakes his head fast, and starts walking to his room. "That's alright baby girl, I got it."

I watch him throw the bags into his room and sigh deeply. He puts his hands on his back, and stretches. His police uniform was very wrinkly and looked like it had a mustard stain on it. "How's it going?" I ask, curiously. He seemed happier at his old job than at this one. I get it though, being a cop must be tough. 

    He's putting his life in danger, and he doesn't even make that much more than his last job. 

My dad walks past me and plops on the couch. "It's alright," He grunts out. 

    I stand watching him prop his feet on the couch.  I was waiting for more, but he shut his eyes and looked like he was about to fall asleep. 

    I walked over to the couch and sat down by his feet. "Hey dad, have you heard anything about Taylor Williams's mom, or the break in that happen to Taylor?" 

   My dad doesn't respond for a couple of minutes.  "You know I can't discuss cases, Val," He responds tiredly with his eyes still closed.

     I roll my eyes. He can not be serious. I felt like I was bothering him, but it never occurred to me to ask him about Taylor. After all he is a police officer.

"I'm your daughter though," I whine. "Pretty please?"

   When he doesn't answer, I squeeze his feet with two fingers. He opens his eyes, and gives me an annoying stare. 

    "No Valentina," he says, he starts getting up. "Wait dad, can you at least tell me if Blake was arrested? Taylor is a mess right now, she's very upset," I say quickly. 

    My dad sits up quickly. "Who told you about Blake?" 

I cock my head to the side, trying to read his expression. "What do you mean? Taylor did." 

I watch as he runs his hand through his hair, trying to keep his eyes open. I felt bad, but I was super curious. "When?" He asks. 


He eyebrows come together as his face scrunches up. He didn't look very happy. 

"She..was over here?" He asked, but it sounded more like a statement. I nodded my head slowly. Why was he acting so weird?

     He sighed loudly and shook his head. "Don't let her come back here, I'm not supposed to tell you this but she's a liar, and can't be trusted. During the investigation, she lied to cops multiple times---," 

  "About what," I interrupted.   "Doesn't matter," My dad said, rubbing his tired eyes. He stood up and yawned, stretching his arms out.  "Just be careful and try to stay away from her. She's not allowed over her anymore." 

I sat in silence while I waited for a reason. But it never came. He mumbled a goodnight under his breath and closed the door to his bedroom. 

      I sat on the couch staring at his bedroom door. Taylor was lying? Her tears looked very real. What exactly did she lie about? Blake? Her injury? Her mom? 

 I've never been so confused in my whole life.

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