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Val's p.o.v

 I stared at my phone for the longest, wondering if I should text her. I felt sick watching her get beaten up, but I knew I would suffer too if I got involved. 

  I hated myself for that. I sat on my bed, pondering in silence. Will Taylor show up for senior year? Already one month went by since the school year ended. 

  Summer was gonna past by fast, it always does. Laying down, I played with my phone in my hand.

   Everytime I would try to type something, I didn't know what to say. Are you alright? Would you like to hang out? How are you feeling?

 Nothing sounded right. 

An idea popped up in my head. What if I go by her house? I knew where she lived, because I dropped her off before.

    I sat up, and slowly made my way to my closet to grab a pair of shoes. My dad still never told me why Taylor couldn't come over anymore, but he never said I couldn't go over to hers. 

  Putting on my shoes, I decided to drive to Taylor's house so I can see how she was. Dropping by unannounced didn't seem like a good idea,  but she was on my mind a lot. She has had a terrible school year; Blake cheating on her, getting shot, mom died, and then she gets beat up on the last day of school. 

    Grabbing my keys, I started walking to the front door, when I noticed the light in my dad's room was on. 

 I paused for a second, I thought he would be at work. I knew he could hear my footsteps and would soon ask where I was going. I sighed and pushed his door open.

  I hated lying,  but I wanted to see Taylor. I took a deep breath and stepped inside of my dad's room. "Hey dad, I'm just going--- ," 

The room was empty. 

I rolled my eyes. How many times was my dad going to forget to turn off his bedroom light? Raising my hand to turn off the light, I suddenly paused. 
   There was two huge duffel bags by his bed, stacked on top of each other. Those were the same bags I saw him carry when he told me Tiffany wasn't allowed over. 

   I looked over my shoulder, checking if the coast was clear. I slowly approached the bags. My curiosity was high because it was marked 'police only.' The bag was slightly opened and I decided to peak inside.

 There was piles of folders and papers inside, most marked 'classified.' As I shuffled through some of the files, I saw Blake's mugshot picture, pictures of Taylor's mom lying face down on some street, and other random pictures. There was a few small boxes in the bag, and I picked one up and opened it. 

  A 9 mil. gun was inside. I quickly closed the box and stuffed it back inside the bag.

 My heart was beating fast because I didn't like what I was seeing. This was a big mistake. I zipped the bag up and rushed out of my dad's room, leaving the light on. I tried to take deep breaths. I shouldn't have been nosy. 

   Now I know why he didn't want Taylor over. 

  He was withholding evidence in that bag. That 9 mil. gun was part of the investigation into Blake. Without it, the case was pretty much dead. 

I felt disgusted and horrified. Taylor was going through so much shit, and my own dad.........

    My dad was a dirty cop. 

 Half of those boxes were marked evidence. 

I clenched my stomach hard, I think I may throw up.

I ran to my jeep, and sped off, not knowing where I was going, but I knew I would never see my dad the same ever again.

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