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Valentina's p.o.v.

I didn't know why, but I was sick of hearing about Blake's party. According to all the gossip in the school, her parties are supposed to be epic.

So this girl is a trouble maker, who throws really great parties and is not to be messed with apparently.

I was really annoyed hearing about it. In gym; that was all people wanted to talk about.

Now I'm in English class on a Monday morning sitting next to Blake as she talked to other people beside her and answered questions about her upcoming birthday party.

I could feel chest rise as I imagined I was at a different school with people of the same social status. No populars, rebels...whatever you want to call it.

I still didn't understand the hype with this girl.

Sure she was pretty, she does have a lot of money from the looks of her house, and yea I guess she has a way of making you constanly think about her...BUT......I forgot the point I was trying to make.

I put my head down on the table, the first two classes always seemed the longest. Blake and I didn't say much since I showed up at her house.

But I didn't care.

I was just glad she was here to work on the project, or atleast that's what I thought when she walked into class 15 minutes late.

I was wrong, she has been talking about her party non stop and it was irritating as hell.

I looked at her talking to our classmates, laughing and joking. Blake's hair was pulled back into a ponytail today, she had a button up red and black plaid shirt with some blue jeans and black combat boots.

I don't know why, but it looked really good on her. When she talked, you could see how white her teeth are and how her green eyes light up when she talks.

Don't ask me why I'm checking her out, I not gay or anything. But she...she was something else.

I kinda of felt weird being next to her with my plain brown eyes and short curly black hair.

I turned around with my head still on the table and closed my eyes....maybe I'll just sleep for the rest of class.

As soon as I thought that, I felt a hand on my shoulder, shaking it.

As if I wasn't annoyed already. I turned around with my best fuck off look on my face, meeting the eyes of the one and only Blake.

She smiled at me showing her pearly white teeth. "Rise and shine cupcake. We have an english project to do," She said.

I noticed how everyone was now working with their partner on their project. I leaned off the table and sighed.

At least we can get some work done now. I grabbed a sheet of paper and a pencil to get started.

"Have you heard about my party?" Blake asked.

Welp, there goes getting work done.

I nodded and responded with a quick,"Yep."

"I'm really excited, it's going to be even crazier than last years party. There is going to be a DJ there, so much great food, it's going to be aweso-,"

"As much as I would like to hear about your party details," I interrupted, mentally shaking my head. "We have a project we still have to get done."

I didn't think I should've interrupted, but this project is due by the end of the week and we have nothing so far.

Blake was quiet for a second and then laughed.

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