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      That could've gone better.  All this waiting, thinking, and being nervous for a 2 minute conversation. I felt better that I finally told her about my dad, but I wasn't sure if that's the best thing to do, since I haven't confronted my dad. However I'm sure I'll eventually find out.

  I stood there awkwardly silently hoping she would come back to the door. 

     A buzz came from my phone. I took out my phone, seeing my dad's name pop up. 

I didn't wanna talk to him of all people. Putting the phone to my ear, I answered my phone.

   "Hey dad."

"Hey babygirl, where are you?" He asked. I paused, not wanting to lie, but I don't think he would be happy with me being at Taylor's house. 

  I started walking to my jeep, trying to come up with an answer. "I'm driving to a fast food place, probably going to the food court at the mall. Why?"

  I got in my jeep and started driving. I wasn't big on lying and I wasn't feeling good about this. My hands were slightly shaking and sweaty still. 

  "I need you to come down to the police station, you're not in trouble, but they wanna question you, mostly about Blake, the shooting, Taylor Williams, etc," My dad tells me. 

  I felt very annoyed. "Sure dad, I'll make my way over now," I responded. Hanging up, I let out a loud annoyed sigh, I didn't wanna answer any questions. Hopefully this would be quick.


Well that didn't go well. I answered all of the police questions to the best of my knowledge. My dad was there , which was a little weird, since he didn't know everything Blake did to me, or what I've seen.

 Also I didn't mention the fact that my dad had a whole bunch of evidence in his room, because I'm not crazy.

  They asked me about Blake's behavior and Taylor's and what I've seen. I spilled everything, I knew and answered honestly. But then they asked me about Blake being at the hospital with Taylor. My mind drew back to the time where Blake assaulted me in the parking lot, and I got nervous. The questions seemed to be endless. 

It was about two hours when I finished.

    I drove home, not expecting all those questions. However I was super glad it was finally over. My phone rang and I picked it up, not bothering to check the caller ID. I was driving after all.

 "Hello!" I yelled. I put the phone on speaker and placed it on my lap. 

  "How was the police station?" A voice asked. 

    Oh fuck.....no no no no no no. This wasn't happening. 

"Blake?" I asked, not completely sure. I should have checked the caller Id, but I don't know how she got this number, I ended up changing my number a while ago.

   "Who else cupcake?" She said snidely. There was that irritating nickname again. 

  This girl is a true psychopath. "You stalking me now Blake?" I asked bluntly. This was not going to be a 30 minute conversation. I wasn't even going to give her five minutes.

I can't believe I thought I may like her. Can't even believe we even kissed. 

  "You didn't snitch to the police about anything, did you? I will find out, and for your sake, I hope not. Just think of your dad," Blake threatened.

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