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Valentina p.o.v.

"Soooo," I dragged out awkwardly. I rubbed my neck hard, not sure what to even say. We don't like each other, that' s for sure, and yet I helped her.

Now here she is wrapped in one of my bath towels, dripping water on my floors.

"Can I borrow some clothes.....please?" Taylor asked quietly.

I got up, thankful that I didn't have to say anything. I opened my drawer and pulled out a pair of jeans and a plain blue short sleeve shirt.

I wasn't even sure if they would fit her, but it didn't seem to matter, as she took them quickly from my hands fast.

"Thanks." She mumbled as she closed the bathroom door.

My mouth could still form no words as I looked at the closed door. What was going to happen next? I wasn't quite sure.

I decided to use my dad's bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I was pretty sure I looked a wreck. I didn't even take off any of my makeup I wore to the bowling alley.

After I was finished, I didn't wanna go back to my room. Taylor was probably done changing already and I do not know the right words to say.

I tiptoed slowly to my room, trying to see if I could avoid Taylor to get some clothes of my own.

A thought popped into my head, and I groaned.

Taylor is going to need a ride. I was the one who brought her here. Damn it!

It didn't seem right, I'm pretty sure I did the right thing, but I feel so awkward right now.

The rest of the way to my room, I walked normally. I was going to have to face her eventually. When I got to my room, I noticed Taylor sitting on my bed, staring at her phone.

I was wondering what she could be thinking. Possibly the same thing as me?

Her screen was pitch black and she seemed lost in it. When I approached her she didn't even look up.

I closed my room door for a little privacy and sat down on the bed next to her.

"Hey, um....thanks for making the bed up," I told her nervously.

"No problem," She responded slowly. Her head didn't look up to acknowledge me still.

I stared at her, as she looked at her phone. Her hair was damp, making it curly, but still reaching past her shoulders.

The blue shirt I gave her had a few water patches on them, but the jeans filled her body out nicely.

"So, I guess I should take you home now?" I said. This was too weird, and it seemed to get more weird with each second.

Taylor didn't say anything. She looked at the wall and then looked out my bedroom window.

"Why?" She asked.

"Why what?" I asked back. Secretly I knew why, but I just wanted her to say it all out loud.

"Why did you ask me if I wanted a ride?" She shifted her body away from me, her hair was hiding her face.

I looked away, kinda of ashamed of what I was about to say.

"Honestly........I didn't even know it was you. If I did, I wouldn't have stopped. But I did, and I couldn't turn back, it would just seem wrong," I rambled.

Taylor turned her face to look at me for a second, and she turned back around.

She didn't say a word after a minute, so I continued.

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