Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon): Episode 11.

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At the end of Episode 10:  Ferit pulls out Nazli's contract and says his father also taught him another rule of the sea. "You do not choose the fish; the fish chooses you. Now that you have let the fish go, if it wants to, it will come back to you." Having uttered those words, Ferit takes the contract and rips it into pieces while Nazli looks on in shock. Ferit looks at her and says, "Now you are free. There is no agreement. Now I will not force you. Everything is in your hand. You can go where you want. It is your decision."

(Author's Note: Please read to the end of the guide and give us your comments and your vote too. Thank you!)


Nazli is with Manami at the new restaurant telling her that Ferit has cancelled her contract. From the shock of that having happened, Nazli now finds herself there. Although still unsure of her decisions lately, Nazli's inner voice is telling her everything will be okay.

Back at the boat, Ferit meets with Tahir, his private investigator. Tahir tells Ferit that Nazli has indeed hidden something from him. When Ferit looks angry, Tahir tells him she is working on opening a new restaurant. Ferit looks relieved that it is nothing worse than that. Tahir tells Ferit Nazli has a partner in this new venture. Ferit guesses that it is Deniz, but Tahir corrects him to say it is Manami. Ferit looks relieved again but somewhat irritated so Tahir fills him in on the details.

Back at the restaurant, Nazli and Manami meet with one of the current owners. They ask to meet with the other partner before they are up and operating. This is agreed upon and they are given the keys to the property. Very excited, Nazli and Manami look through the restaurant space making note of the updates and changes that need to be made. Fatos and Ausman join them and Nazli asks Fatos to work for her. Just when Ausman asks if Ferit knows what she did, he walks in. Fatos and Ausman walk away from Nazli as Ferit comes in.

Nazli welcomes him and Ferit starts to walk around the space. He wishes her "good luck" but Nazli knows he is irritated and asks how he learned about it. Ferit replies that he is not the one who needs to give an explanation. Now he understands everything better and knows that Nazli quit working for him in order to open this restaurant. With a nod, Nazli allows him to believe that. Ferit remembers that she told him this was her greatest dream and she must have prepared for it a long time ago. What he does not understand is why she just didn't tell him. Nazli replies that if she had told him, he would have tried to help her and ground her dream down to another strategy and taken all the fun out of it. He would have given her "to do" and "don't" lists. Ferit asks why would that be a problem? Nazli answers that to him, it is not a problem and might even be something good. But she wants to do it HER way and take care of all the details and problems herself.

She uses his analogy from the boat, telling Ferit she wants to be a "free fish". Ferit counters with, "You don't want to just be free from me, Nazli. You want to escape me." She says, "But I can't". Ferit asks, "Have you always been fair to me? Can you honestly say you have not hidden anything from me? Nazli cannot meet his eyes now so she says nothing. Ferit says, "I thought so." He gives Nazli a disappointed and frustrated look and then leaves.

Fatos arranges a dinner with Ausman, Nazli and Manami to celebrate the new restaurant. They go to the same quaint seaside restaurant that Nazli took Ferit. When they arrive, the owner greets Nazli warmly and tells her that Ferit did not tell him they would be joining him. He points to Ferit who is sitting at a table eating alone. Nazli corrects the owner saing they are not there to meet Ferit, so he seats them at their own table. Ferit sees them being seated and he stands up as Nazli approaches him. They shake hands and say hello like two people that are very uncomfortable around each other. Ferit asks if he took her special table, and if he did, he will move. Nazli assures him that is not the case and explains that she is there to have a little celebration with the girls. Ferit tells her to have fun and sits back down to his dinner, seated at his table with his back to Nazli.

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