Episode Guide to "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #2

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From the end of Episode #1:  Confused by her feelings, she (Nazli) says she needs to leave. Ferit says, "Don't go. Stay here tonight." Nazli is confused by the request. Ferit asks why she is surprised and tells her he knows she has been trying to get together with him. Through her drunken fog, Nazli is still not getting what Ferit is saying. He grows impatient as he tells her not to waste time. He knows she came as a cook, then she appears at all the places he attends, and finally she came to his home tonight. He says what she wanted all along is done and they should go inside. Nazli is fighting through her alcohol fog trying to grasp what he is insinuating. 


Nazli wakes up in a strange bed to see a mirrored ceiling, then realizes she is naked in Ferit's bed. She sees a T-shirt neatly folded at the end of the bed and starts to freak out since she can't remember anything of the previous evening. She quickly calls Fatos and asks for advice on what to do next. The exchange between Nazli and Fatos is comical and yields a memory for Nazli of Ferit laying her down on his bed. Because this is the last thing she remembers, it leads her to believe they had made love. Taking courage in hand, Nazli joins Ferit downstairs.

His expression is riddled with confusion when she finally enters the kitchen, sauntering in with a very sultry walk and leaning against the wall as she feigns a disinterested yawn. Then Nazli shyly smiles and wishes him "Guynadin". Confused by her actions, Ferit asks if she remembers anything of the previous night. She stumbles around with a few different answers which makes him realize she has no recollection whatsoever of what happened. While he clarifies that they were not "together", even looking somewhat disappointed, Nazli looks relieved.

She asks why he carried her to his bed. When he explains she had passed out in the shower after getting sick, the memories of it come flooding back to her. Especially the part where Ferit accused her of being a gold digger trying to get a rich husband. Her temper instantly flares, and tears fill her eyes remembering what he accused her of. After giving him a piece of her mind, she resigns on the spot which brings a confused look across Ferit's face.

Later in his office, it seems a small pang of guilt hits Ferit as he recollects how upset Nazli became. He sends her a text with an apology. Infuriated, she promptly replies with a one-word response written in Japanese that says "wood", which he seems understandably confused by. (It means "hard-headed/hard-hearted and rude")

We come in on a scene with Nazli and Deniz spending a nice time at the animal shelter. As they continue spending the afternoon and part of the evening together, their friendship is beginning to grow.

At the end of the same day, we see Ferit entering his now clean bedroom. Having someone straighten the room up may have erased the physical traces of Nazli, but could not remove the memory of her as we see him standing and staring at his bed. He recalls putting her in it and removing her soaked dress, of course with the utmost respect and care while she is under the covers. He held the soaked dress in his hands as he stared down at her sleeping form with a mixed look of longing and regret on his face.

The next day at the office, Engin defends Nazli and tells Ferit he was wrong about her. If she was a husband hunter, why would she come to his house and work as a cook. Ferit seems confused. His heart is telling him that maybe he did insult. But with his trust issues, his head tells him her reaction could have been fake.

They meet again when Bulut's parents invite Nazli to dinner and Ferit's sister asks him to join them. He promptly declines but as the time approaches, he comes anyway due to Bulut's insistence. Nazli is already seated and recounting her prior evening with the Nakatami's when Ferit shows up. Of course, not one to back down when Ferit throws out his first insult, they spar a bit to the amusement of Bulut's parents.

After dinner they head over to Deniz's house. Ferit is surprised to see that Nazli and Deniz are already fast friends. He continues his snide comments but as they sit on opposite couches, Ferit can't seem to keep his eyes off her. After hearing her tell the others about her life, he realizes he was pretty much off the mark thinking she was a gold digger. He decides that with her hair down and dressed nicely, she is even more beautiful.

Nazli enjoys watching his interaction with Bulut but avoids catching his eye. Feeling uncomfortable under his scrutiny, she gets up to take some empty wine glasses into the kitchen to avoid his intense gaze. Not wanting to watch the playful exchange between Nazli and Deniz, Ferit gets up promptly and decides to leave. You can tell he is attracted to her. This becomes more obvious when he gets home and seems happy to see her laundered dress in his closet.

The next night, Ferit meets everyone at a Club to celebrate a business success. Nazli is there with her sister Ausman, and Deniz settles them at a table while he gets some drinks. Ferit and Engin join them as Aliya takes the stage to sing. Watching Nazli sip her beverage, Ferit reminds her not to drink too much because it will upset her stomach. She balks at his reminder, puts down her drink and shoots him a dirty look. As Aliya's soulful voice fills the Club, Ferit glances over at Nazli. Seeing Deniz staring at her too, he puts down his drink and abruptly leaves. Nazli turns and watches him go with regret in her eyes.

As Ferit is driving home, he receives a disturbing phone call. Not long after that, both Engin and Deniz get a message from Ferit to come to the hospital right away. When they arrive, they find Ferit sitting in the waiting room in shock, with his eyes full of unshed tears. We learn that Bulut's parents have been killed in a car accident. Bulut himself has been injured along with his grandmother, who was also in the car.

Standing in the receiving line at the funeral, Ferit looks crushed. Wearing dark glasses, he is shaking hands like he is a robot. When Nazli comes through the line, Ferit watches as she takes Deniz's hand and offers her help with Bulut. But when she gets to Ferit, she keeps her head down and just offers a quick "My condolences" before leaving. At this point, Ferit and Nazli's relationship is in pretty much of a mess.

Fifteen days have passed with little Bulut in a hospital bed, refusing food, medicine, and even a human touch of comfort. Anger boils from his small body as Ferit and Deniz are lost as to how they can help him. Ferit sits on his bed trying to comfort him but is met with more anger as Bulut's response is to continue to yell in frustration. You can see Ferit is barely holding it together, trying to be strong for everyone. But being unable to grieve himself is taking its toll on him.

Nazli slowly enters the room and Ferit looks at her with hope at first then tries to send her away as Bulut continues his rant. But she ignores him. Bulut sees that she has something in a bag and opens it to find his favorite cookie. Ferit stands against the wall as Nazli sits in his place on the bed. They are all surprised as Bulut eats one of the cookies. When Nazli sits beside him and runs her fingers through his hair, Bulut has a much-needed meltdown. Crying to release the pain he feels over the loss of his parents, Nazli holds him and cries with him.

Later Ferit brings Bulut from the hospital and is taking care of him at his house. Engin offers support as they arrange for a nurse to come in the next day. Bulut makes angry demands for food but Ferit tells him it is too late to eat. Bulut complains that if Nazli was there, she would make him whatever he wants. Ferit reminds him that Nazli doesn't work there anymore and carries him off to bed. The next morning Bulut's continuing anger and belligerence causes the nurses to quit.

At their apartment, we see Nazli and Fatos enjoying a cup of coffee when the doorbell rings. Nazli answers it and is surprised to find Ferit at her door. He looks emotionally beaten down. Nazli instinctively wants to comfort him but catches herself.

Instead, she asks him in a very cold voice, "What are you doing here?"


This episode guide is written and inspired by the characters of the "Dolunay" series. All photos, videos and characters belong to their rightful owners.

Written exclusively for Can Yaman International by Sue Croft.

Edited by Mary Bloyd, Resident Editor for Can Yaman International

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