Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #13

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At the end of Episode 12:  Ferit holds the phone up so Nazli can see the picture of Fatos, Alya and Ausman. "Someone has left these at my home on a flash drive, and I put them on my phone." He swipes to the next picture which is a photo of the documents that caused Ferit to lose custody of Bulut. He looks at Nazli, barely restraining his rage. Nazli glances at his phone screen and remains silent. Ferit says, "It is obvious Asuman took photos of the documents at my house and gave them to Demet." Nazli looks up at him and her eyes well up with tears. She looks sick to her stomach. Ferit asks her point blank, "Did you know about this." Nazli looks him directly in the eyes and answers, "Yes! "

(Author's Note: Please read to the end of the episode synopsis and give us your comments. And don't forget to vote too. Thank you!)


After admitting she knew about the pictures, Ferit asks Nazli, "So, you knew about this and you kept quiet, right?" Tears spill down Nazli's cheeks and she is unable to answer. There is a hurt look and unshed tears in Ferit's own eyes as he says, "I can't believe it. Seriously, I can't believe it!" Nazli says, "I know. I should have told you... from the beginning. I wanted so much to tell you but I couldn't." Ferit raises his voice in anger. "So, that's why you were running away from me, because you couldn't tell me, could you?"

Nazli continues to cry as he yells, "Instead of telling me everything, you've chosen to run away." Nazli speaks up, "I wanted to protect Ausman!" This really sets Ferit off and he yells, "Ausman! Because of her, I couldn't get custody of Bulut! While you were trying to protect your sister, I lost my nephew!" He lowers his voice and the pain in his eyes is palpable. "I trusted you, Nazli. I trusted you like no one before. What a pity." He gives her one last look then walks to his car and drives away while Nazli stands there sobbing. Watching him go, she slowly sinks onto the restaurant steps.

Fatos has witnessed the whole exchange and quickly sits down next to Nazli and tries to console her.

Ferit goes home and we see him sipping whiskey and talking with Engin outside in the garden. Engin asks what Nazli had to say. Ferit replies, "What can she say? It's not that simple. The consequences are pretty heavy."

Engin tries to defend Nazli by saying it isn't her fault that Ausman gave Demet the photos. Ferit interjects that Nazli was still an accomplice in the lie and gets up and starts pacing. Nazli kept everything from him so she is just as guilty as Ausman and Engin should not defend her. Engin studies Ferit for a moment and says he has never seen Ferit like this before. Ferit downplays it and tells him not to exaggerate.

Engin points out that it's different his time. This is more like a "heart" wound. When Ferit stares at him, Engin continues by reminding him that a man is hurt the most by the one he loves. It is because of Ferit's feelings for Nazli that he is suffering so much and Ferit cannot deny it.

Nazli looks completely numb at home rehashing everything with Fatos and Ausman. Fatos is certain that if Nazli had told Ferit even an hour before, the outcome would have been different. Nazli disagrees; she should have told him the minute she found out. Ausman apologizes again for what she has done. Nazli says it's over now and goes to her room.

When Deniz arrives at Ferit's, house Engin leaves. Ferit starts to tell Deniz what he has just learned and Deniz admits he already knows because he sent him the flash drive. Ferit asks Deniz why he waited until tonight to show him. We know how jealous Deniz is of the relationship between Ferit and Nazli. Deniz tells him he just found out and didn't want to hide it from Ferit. Ferit said he was livid when he found out and wonders why Deniz is so calm about it. Deniz says there is nothing he can do now; it is what it is. Yes, Ausman did something terrible but you can't kill the girl for it. Ferit says, no, but she will be fired tomorrow and Deniz agrees.

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