Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #6

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At the end of Episode #5:  After letting Nazli's words sink in, Ferit follows her with a chagrined look on his face. He catches up with her on the deck that overlooks the pond. His tone of voice softens as he begins talking about all the times he and his sister hid from their mother at this exact spot. He tells her they could not be together or apart and still he cannot believe his sister is dead. He misses her phone calls, even though they irritated him. Nazli sympathizes with Ferit and tells him everyone needs him. Bulut, his mom, and Deniz. Ferit gets choked up and quickly tells Nazli they need to get back to the party. He turns around and leaves. One would think their relationship has taken a couple steps back. As the birthday party breaks up, Nazli leaves with Deniz. When they get into his car, they find it won't start.


After waving a tearful good-bye to Bulut, Deniz offers to take Nazli home while Ferit looks on. When Deniz's car will not start, Ferit approaches and exchanges glances with Nazli. Their awareness of each other is palpable. It appears Ferit has had some time to think about what Nazli told him about Fatos and about judging people. With no way to get the car fixed, Ferit offers them both a ride home.

Once in the car, Deniz and Ferit talk about Bulut and the situation he is in while Nazli sits quietly in the back seat. Deniz decides to open the car window and get some fresh air. Feeling giddy, he climbs halfway out the window and invites Nazli to do the same, which she does. Ferit looks at both of them like they have lost their minds.

Back inside the car, Deniz gets a call that Aliya is drunk at the bar and he needs to go to her. He offers to go alone by taxi but Nazli offers to accompany him. Ferit decides they should all go and drives them there. Once they arrive, they see Aliya at the bar. She doesn't want to leave until Ferit reasons with her to at least go out and get some fresh air. She agrees and they walk to a park where they get her something to eat. Being a chef, Nazli is interested in the chicken and rice dish she is eating. After trying a taste, Nazli wants her own serving and Deniz follows her. Ferit watches the pair walk away with interest.

He is so deep in his thoughts that he doesn't hear Aliya call his name. When she gets his attention, she asks him to sit next to her. She tells him she can see that he likes Nazli and Ferit tells her she needs more fresh air. Aliya laughs and says she is okay now, but his feelings for Nazli are obvious and kids him that "love is in the air." Ferit remains silent while watching Deniz and Nazli at the kiosk getting their food.

Aliya goes on to say that Deniz is just a friend to Nazli. Ferit should not worry; nothing will happen between them. Ferit simply replies, "Will we change the topic or shall I go?" She tells him that is his style. When someone says something true, he wants to either leave or go inside himself. "Only a combative man does that," Aliya says to Ferit, meaning he fights with himself. His head believes the logic he is hearing but his heart believes something different.

They are interrupted with the return of Deniz and Nazli. She says it's getting late and she really needs to go. Deniz jumps up and says he will share a taxi with her. Ferit stays quiet but takes in the exchange between them. Aliya insists that Deniz stay with her for a while and sends a sly look towards Ferit. Nazli says she can take a taxi by herself or even walk home. Ferit pipes up then and says he will take her home. Nazli agrees and Aliya gives Ferit a satisfied smile.

As they walk away, Nazli and Ferit are talking. He tells her he doesn't like surprises. She replies that she knows all he likes are his rules, but doesn't he find that boring? He says it's better than without rules. So, she poses this scenario to him: "Let's say something happens out of your control, and you have no fault in it. Then the story continues and you can't control it. It changes your life and looks like it will never get resolved. What would you do?" Ferit responds that he would wait and see how things go and then act according to that. Nazli gives him a big smile of relief and says, "That makes sense". Of course, Nazli is talking about the secret she is carrying about Ausman's deceit and just got a valuable piece of advice.

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