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Domenico's POV

Driving home from dinner, I was on a high. I couldn't stop smiling. I looked over at Alessandra. She was looking down at her stomach and rubbing small circles on it. There was still something on her mind, I could tell, but didn't want to bring it up yet. She was happy right now.

The next morning, I woke up to the most beautiful woman laying next to me, sleeping. Seeing a little drool sliding out the side of her mouth made me chuckle a bit.

The sound of my phone ringing killed the moment. I reluctantly answered the phone to find my father on the other side.

"Domenico?" My father answered. "La corsa alla cocaina è tra 3 giorni e la spedizione arriverà domani. Ma voglio che tu e alcuni altri andate questa volta. Questa volta non ci vado. Questa è la tua occasione per dimostrare che sei abbastanza maturo da guidare un gruppo. Questo decide se prendere il controllo dell'azienda e della mafia. Non rovinare tutto." But wait, I can't take over anymore. I have a future to think about now.

"Ma cosa succede se non voglio più prendere il controllo."

"Presumo che tu sappia che è incinta." Wait, what?!

"Aspetta, quando diavolo te l'ha detto Alessandra? Come diavolo fai a saperlo?" I was starting raise my voice.

"Figliolo, molti dei nostri uomini hanno delle famiglie. E ricordo com'era tua madre quando era incinta di te." I started to feel bad. I miss my mother. "So che vuoi crescere la tua famiglia. Anch'io volevo crescere il mio. Puoi crescere la tua famiglia e gestire l'azienda. Puoi avere un assistente per fare il tuo lavoro di mafia mentre corri l'azienda. È quello che ho fatto quando eri giovane. Ti amo figliolo, e sono molto felice per te. Ma ho ancora bisogno che tu faccia quella gara di cocaina." I sighed, knowing it needed to be done. "Un'altra cosa, Giovanni non sa di essere incinta. Buona fortuna con quel figlio." My eyes got big. Oops.

"I'll do it. Got to go. Bye." I could hear him chuckle as I hung up the phone.

I turned around and placed my phone on my bedside table. I almost jumped when I saw Alessandra staring at me, looking upset. "I speak Italian, you know that, right?"

I decided to test the waters a bit. I smirked, and started to crawl back into the bed. "Yes I do know that. You scream in Italian whenever I lay you down." She raised her right eyebrow up at me, looking very unamused. I crawled next to her, rubbed her belly, and kissed it, looking up at her. She smiled and shook her head slightly. "That's how we made this little one." She ran her fingers through my hair gently. "So why do you look so unamused with me?"

"I'm going with you on the cocaine race. Me and Bailey are. And so is Ryan. If you want more on your team, then do it, but there's 3 right there."

I always found her bossiness very sexy, but I tried to hide that at this moment. "Hell no. You and Bailey are pregnant. I am not risking that. It's not happening."

She smiled at me as if she had something up her sleeve. "Tsk tsk tsk. That's so cute. But it's happening sweetheart, whether you like it or not." She got out of bed and started towards the shower. I got up quickly and started following her.

"Oh no you're not." I said, determined. She started to strip of her pajamas, and I was slowly starting to loose focus. "I am not allowing you to go." She turned around to face me. She strutted towards me, placed a kiss on my cheek, and then turned back around to turn on the shower.

"Oh baby, you are not having a say in this matter. We are going because you know that you need us." I knew that I did need her for this. But I didn't want her to get hurt. "Therefore, we are going, end of discussion." I sighed and rolled my eyes. I needed them, and she will not let me win this discussion.

"Fine, but we are playing with my deck, and I'm laying my cards." She nodded her head at me as she stepped into the shower.

"That's totally okay. But I'm driving." I chuckled. Stubborn, cute ass.

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