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Alessandra's POV

As I opened my eyes, I realized that I was still in the same place. Still had nothing near me. Still had no clothes on. Still restrained. I slightly moved my legs around. I could tell from the lack of pain in my vagina that I thankfully hadn't been raped. Okay, this is okay. I haven't been raped. I still need to figure something out. Man, my head really hurts. I think I have a concussion. Wait! Are those...footsteps?

The knob on the door started to turn and I tried to look as unconscious as I could.

"Aless," Leonardo said. "I know you're awake. I saw you moving on the cameras." He has cameras?! He wanted to watch as I struggled?! "Face me when I am talking to you!" He roared. My body shook slightly in fear as adrenaline raced through my veins. I looked at him with anger and disgust. He turned around. "Do it now. I want a baby out of it." I started to get scared again. Adam came through the door with a smile on his face. Briskly walking towards me, he started to undress causing me to become more afraid. But slowly I started to realize there was nothing I could do except scream in case there was one sane person in this house.

Domenico's POV

It's been a week. Seven days and we still haven't found her. My head rested in my hand while my elbows leaned on my desk. Every got my men check in with me on their progress, but nothing positive yet. Angelo has been working day and night to try and locate them, but it's always the same. He finds even Leonardo shows up, and where his car picks him up. But after 15 miles on the freeway, we lose him. What can I do? What can I do? What can I do?! I slammed my fist on to my desk, creating a small crack. I need to try harder. I walked down the hall into Angelo's office.

"Anything new?" I asked, hoping that there was.

"I might. But it's a long shot. If it's true, we get closer." I nodded my head for him to continue. "If you look at these satellite  pictures closely, you can see something." He spun around in this chair and pulled down a white projection screen, and then faced back towards his computer, turning on the projector. He got up and pointed at parts of the picture on the white screen.

"Here," he started, "you see a man leaving the airport doors, waiting outside. By facial recognition, this man is Leonardo Moretti." He presses a button on his keyboard. "And here is Leonardo getting into a black 2018 Chevrolet Suburban. This is based on the plates that I ran. It belongs to Luca Moretti, Leonardo's cousin. But what didn't catch my eye until a few minutes ago, this 2019 Audi Q7 three cars down. A man that looks similar in looks and height as Leonardo. Carlo Lopez. Why I didn't catch it earlier?" He started to type on his keyboard "Carlo Lopez was adopted by Maria and Emilio Lopez when Carlo was 2 years old. He was adopted by the Lopez family from Angelica Moretti, Leonardo's mother. Leonardo and Carlo are brothers. Carlo is 15 months younger." He typed on his keyboard again. "24 kilometers down the road, both cars pull off the road. 10 minutes later one man comes out and gets back into the Suburban. But if you use a program that uses a graph and measures, you can see that this man is 0.1 meters taller than the man that gets into the Audi. Leonardo is 1.77 meters. Carlo is 1.88 meters." (1) The car we have been chasing is the wrong car. We were looking for the Suburban, the car that Leonardo got into first that dropped off the grid shortly after they got to you guys. We should have been looking for the Audi. And thanks to me," he turned around and started typing again, "if you follow them for another about 5 kilometers, you find them picking up Aless. 30.5 kilometers later, you arrive at a road that dead-ends 6.5 kilometers up the road." (2)

"What street?"

"Via del Castagneto."

I thank him and immediately start to text everyone to meet me in Fiesole in 2 hours. I'm getting my girl back.

(1) 24 kilometers is 15 miles
      0.1 meters is 4 inches
      1.77 meters is 5'10"
      1.88 meters is 6'2"
(2) about 5 kilometers is 3 miles
      30.5 kilometers is 19 miles
      6.5 kilometers is 4 miles

Lost and FoundWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt