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Alessandra's POV

Have you ever seen those commercials where a person or multiple people will screw up something so easy in literally the dumbest way possible, and still have the decency to look like they didn't mean to do it? Yeah? Well, that's what has just happened here. It's about 9:30 in the morning, and I'm late for work, and honey, if you thought that was the worst part, you make me laugh harder than I make myself laugh, because that ain't even close. Not only am I late for work, I'm also currently wearing nothing, laced in black silk sheets, in what looks like a 500 star hotel, with a sexy Italian man's arm draped over my side. And I'm late for work! Like, dude, I get it. You're hot, but I need to go. But if you must know everything that happened, let's go back about 12 hours ago.

Ding. Bailey turned around, and grabbed her phone off of the bed to look at who sent her a message. "Let's go guys, Ry just got here."

We grabbed our purses, and our phones and started towards the door. Tonight is going to be amazing!

We got to the club, and it couldn't look more fun than it already does. The mob of people that surrounded the DJ booth couldn't get enough jumping, grinding, and dancing as Drop it Low by Ester Dean blasted through the speakers. The throng of people near the bar, looked more dazed than a frat house around midnight.

Stephanie grabbed onto my hand, and pulled me to the bar, already ordering a round of Tequila shots for the four of us. We each took our small glasses, raised them in the air, and took our shot. The liquid going slowly down my throat; a small burn as it went down. We placed our glasses on the bar top, and Stephanie ordered another round. We did the same thing 2 more times, making sure we all had the courage to go join the crazy people in the middle of the floor. Ryan and Bailey already went to the dance floor together, and some really cute Italian man, named Francesco, grabbed Stephanie and took her towards the dance floor. I was currently at the bar drinking a beer when I felt a tap on my left shoulder. I turned around to see an amazing man standing in front of me. He was well built, very tan, wavy black hair that was a little longer, and pushed to the back. He had dark brown eyes, and freshly shaven face. 

"Ciao, bella," (1) I giggled. He spoke with a thick, yet still understandable, Italian accent. Thankfully I already know a little Italian from my dad. "My name's Domenico. Would you care to dance with me?" He held out his hand, waiting patiently for me to take hold of. 

"Naturalmente, bello," I responded, taking him a little off guard, but he quickly regained himself. "Mi piacerebbe. Mi chiamo Alessandra." (2). I took hold of his hand, and walked with him to the dance floor, Temperature by Sean Paul starting to play. My back was to his front, and his hands settled on my hips, helping me move my hips to the rhythm of the song, and moving them in unison with his hips. We moved in unison through the song, with him occasionally spinning me, or me dropping down to his shoes. 

After a few more songs, we eventually moved back to the bar, and talked. I went through a few more beers before I started feeling a little out of it. He noticed. 

"Let's get you to bed, you seem like a little longer here, and you may end up in a place you may not want to." I giggled, and nodded my head, willingly following Domenico out to his car. I climbed into the seat, and buckled my seatbelt.

That was the last thing that I remember, and yet here I am, still laying in this guy's bed, late for work. I moved slightly, attempting to slip out from underneath this guy's arm, and find my clothes without waking him up. Key word: attempt. As in, it didn't work. 

"Buongiorno, bella." (3) His morning voice was hotter than the freaking summer time on the sun. 

"Morning." I replied slipping on my dress. "Would you care to explain what the hell happened last night." He smiled, and lifted his head to rest his temple on his fist, so that he could focus better on me. 

"Nothing, mia cara, I promise." (4) He replied. "I brought you to my car last night to bring you home, but you had already fallen asleep when you sat in my seat. I brought you back to my hotel room, took you out of that jumpsuit, because I'm sure it's not the best sleeping attire, and let you sleep. I promise, I would never do something to you like that." I searched his face, looking for some sort of lie, or doubt. But after spending a little while looking for one, I never found one. I finished zipping up my jumpsuit from last night, said thank you, and asked for a ride home, since I was already late for work. Thankfully, he agreed to give me a ride home, if I agreed to tell him some things about myself. Get to know a hot guy a little better? Eh, sure. Wouldn't mind at all. 

As soon as we hopped in his car, and I gave him my address, he started asking me questions.

"So," he started off, "where did you learn Italian? Not many girls around here know it very well." I chuckled.

"That's true, it's kinda funny. I learned it from my father. My father was from Italy, and moved here with me, shortly after I was born. I'm assuming from the thick accent that you are from Italy. Am I correct?"

"Yes. I'm visiting the states for a business trip. Have you ever thought of visiting Italy?"

"Oh my gosh, all the time. My father never wanted to go back. Something happened over there that he never talks about. But me and my best friend, Bailey, have been talking about going to Italy for a couple years, and have the money to go now, just not the time."

"Ah, I see." He sat in thought for a few seconds. "Well, I am leaving for Italy in a few weeks. What do you say, we can get to know each other a little better, and you can ask and see if you can get a few days off of work. You can come back with me. You and Bailey can." I couldn't help myself from letting out a little squeal of excitement. 

"That would be amazing!" I yelled. "I'll talk to my dad today. He's my boss."

"Just don't mention to him that you're taking this time off to head to Italy, he should be able to let you go then." I smiled with so much excitement, I'm sure I looked like the Cheshire Cat on crack. I clapped my hands as he pulled up to my condo. I kissed him on the cheek, grabbed my purse, and ran straight inside, excited to tell Bailey everything.


(1) Hello, beautiful

(2) Of course, handsome. I would love to. My name is Alessandra.

(3) Good morning, beautiful

(4) My darling

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