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Domenico's POV

I woke up with Aless laying half on me, and I've never felt more at home than I do now. Her head, the right side of her chest, and a little bit of her belly is laying on my torso, with her arm laying over my body. The rest of her body is straight, laying right along side my body, except for one of her legs that's draped over my left leg and lays between my legs.

I reached over to my side table, and picked up my phone, looking to see if my assistant got back to me yet.

Victoria (assistant): Of course, sir
Delivered 3:46 am

I started to gently rub small circles on Alessandra's upper back, wondering what I could do for her today to hopefully make her somewhat better.

After a few minutes, Alessandra started to wake up. She made a few cute noises when she stretched, and finally opened her beautiful eyes. She looked up at me, I could almost feel my heart break when I saw the redness from last night still circling her eyes like sharks in a blood-stained pool—constant, big rings, and noticeable.

"Vuoi fare la doccia, amore mia?" I asked, my voice just above a whisper. (1) She nodded her head.

I pulled back the covers, and rolled out of bed gently, as to not allow her body to hit the mattress too harshly. I walked around the bed to the other side, removed the covers from around her body, picked her up, and carried her over to my bathroom, setting her on the corner near the sink. I walked over to the tub, and turned the water on, sticking my finger under the faucet until the water felt warm enough. I walked back into the bedroom, and grabbed my phone off the side table, and walked back into the bathroom. I grabbed a towel from under the sink, and laid it on the toilet lid. I slid Alessandra's shirt off over her head, and did the same with her sweatpants and panties. I picked her up again, and laid her in to the warm water of the tub, shutting off the water.

I picked up my phone and started texting Bailey.

Bailey: We r in the bathroom in my bedroom. When u r awake, come in, she is in the bath. Please bring her some comfy clothes.

I placed my phone back into my pocket, and got down on my knees next to the tub, grabbed a loofah and a bottle of soap, and began to gently massage the loofah on her back with soap.

After Alessandra was done bathing, I started to go downstairs to grab something to eat for us.

"Hey Bailey," I called, leaning halfway in to the door from the hallway, "when you get a second, can you help me?" She nodded, and I continued down the hallway and down the stairs to the kitchen. I started with grabbing some eggs and bread to make scrambled eggs and toast.

"What's up?" Bailey asked as she rounded the corner into the kitchen.

I gently set the cast iron pan on the stove, lit the burner, and started to scramble eggs in the pan.

"Okay, I need to help Alessandra start to feel better. Any tips?" She grew a mischievous smile on her face.

"Got any tracks?" It took me a second to understand what she meant, but then it clicked. My lips slowly curved up in the a smirk. "When breakfast is done, I'm taking you guys shopping and we're gonna find some new clothes for the both of you girls tonight." She clapped her hands together quickly and made a small excited squeal. "Start getting ready."

After breakfast, I had Miguel, one of the guards, pull my car around to the front of the house. As I was walking out the car, I felt my phone start to vibrate, notifying me that someone was trying to call me. It was my father. I sighed angrily, and answered.

"Sì, padre?" (2)

"Dove diavolo sei?" He sounded very annoyed. "Il tuo ufficio è vuoto. Victoria ha detto che non saresti venuta oggi. Non ti ho spiegato abbastanza chiaramente che il divertimento e il treno dei giochi non erano per te e Alessandra?" (3) Hmm, fun and games train. I wouldn't mind that. Focus!

"Sto solo togliendo la mente ad Alessandra da quello che ha scoperto ieri sera. Non c'è bisogno di ottenere le mutandine in un colpo di scena. Inoltre, perchè dovrebbe importarti se mi piace Alessandra?" (4) I knew I may had crossed a line with that one but I didn't care. I genuinely like Alessandra. He sighed and I could feel is anger and frustration through the phone.

"Questo non è il Montagues e il Capulets. Smettere di ingannare te stesso, facendoti pensare che sei Romeo. Non sei un uomo per una sola donna. Me l'hai dimostrato quando hai iniziato tutta questa storia quando avevi 17 anni e hai perso la verginità. Perdere l'amore, o perdere la ragazza." (5)

That was it. I could feel the anger inside of me boil. I can't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. DON' T DO IT! You've worked too hard, making yourself not get angry so you could be better around Alessandra.

"Goodbye father." I hung up the phone and placed it back in my pocket. I better make today great.
(1) Would you like to shower, my love?
(2) Yes, father?
(3) Where the hell are you? Your office is empty. Victoria said you weren't coming in today. Didn't I explain clearly enough to you that the fun and games train was not for you and Alessandra?
(4) I'm just taking Alessandra's mind off of what she found out last night. No need to get your panties in a twist. Also, why should you care if I like Alessandra?
(5) This is not Montagues and Capulets. Stop fooling yourself, making you think you're Romeo. You're not a man for one woman. You showed me that when you started this whole thing when you were 17 and you lost your virginity. Lose the love, or lose the girl.

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