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Domenico's POV

"What the hell happened?" I demanded in fury and fear, while climbing into the back seat of Bailey and Ryan's car. I pulled Aless close to me, and hug her tightly. She was currently talking on the phone, listening very intently, to who sounded like my father on the phone. She nodded a few times, and then hung up the phone.

"Ryan, drive." Ryan pulled off the side of the road in a hurry, tires screeching in the background, probably leaving marks.

"Okay, well this is about to be one hell of a drive." She mumbled to herself.

"Alright, we have less than 2 hours til we reach Cádiz, correct?" She asked aloud. Bailey and Ryan both nodded their heads. "Ok, we need to make it in less. That was Antonio and my father on the phone. I guess some of the rules have changed. Whoever gets their 100 kilos to Naples first, gains control of all 3 mafia companies, shares, and work."

"I'm sorry? What?!" Bailey fumed. "Why? Why is this a thing now?"

"Michaela Farinelli." I replied, irritated that this is happening.

"Who?" Bailey asked.

So many thoughts running through my head.

"Michaela Farinelli. She is the leader of the Farinelli family. They've ran most of Spain and parts of Italy for generations. She gained thrown a few years ago. 5 to be exact. My father and I had a business transaction with her and her family. It broke about 6 months ago. And now the Re Di Sangue Nero are paying for it because she doesn't think we are strong enough."

"How did it break?" Ryan inquired.

"They are alliances with Leonardo; the man who kidnapped Aless and claimed her as his own this whole time." Silence overtook the car for what felt like hours.

"So...?" Ryan asked, looking for an answer to how and what we do to keep going.

Having enough of the silence, and the lack of patience from the hormones, Aless spoke up. "Drive. Plan stays the same, but we move faster. We have everything we need, but we move faster. We are finishing this first. Come hell or high water. This. Shit. Is. Over." I grew a small smirk and pulled her in tightly for a hug.

"Well, alrighty then." Bailey smirked. "Let's hear it boss. How are you thinking of getting this done?"

"Well..." I started, Bailey cutting me off.

"Oh sorry, no no. Not you boss. Her boss." Bailey smirked, pointing a finger at Alessandra.

"Alright. Ryan, we have 103 minutes to get to Cádiz. Meet up, grab out 100 kilos. I'll take over driving. Back roads only. We know everyone else is taking the tolls. It's 10 hours shorter, but 10 times more riskier. So stay on the back roads. I'm talking 110-140 miles an hour the whole way. Drift if you need to. Gas stops 5 minutes max. Switch every two fill-ups. Now. Let's keep the Re Di Sangue Nero as the toughest mafia in Italy. Let's keep us at the top. Okay?" We all acknowledged her question in our way. "Alright. Let's have some fun." She smirked.

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