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Domenico's POV

"Amber. Speak." Fantastic.

"Amber is my quote-on-quote ex-girlfriend," I said, using air quotes around ex-girlfriend, "but we never really were a thing. Her parents are rich, her sister was hot, we did it for publicity. Or at least I did, until she started to really think that we were dating, but she is clingy, annoying, and a..." I paused for a second. "How do you say it? A cagna."(1)

"Oh yeah," she replied, obviously understanding what I'm trying to say, "Aless says that all the time." I smiled when she said that, making me think about how much fire Alessandra can hold. "Go on."

"Well, the thing is, Amber is very crazy. I mean very crazy. She scared any other girl that I would  be around." Bailey looked a little nervous.

"Do you think that Amber will try to get at Aless?" I stood silently for a moment thinking how I should put this.

"If she saw how much I love Alessandra, she might try to kill her." Bailey now looked like she was going to cry. "But that is not going to happen. I promise that while you and Alessandra are here, I am going to keep you safe." She nodded her head, and I walked over to give her a hug, knowing full well that she needed one. "Now, onto Alessandra now." 

I spent about 15 minutes explaining everything I knew about Alessandra, and her real father, and what happened to Bailey. As I finished, I noticed how sick she looked. "Are you feeling okay?" I asked.

"Her fath... The man in California who took her, do you know who it is?"

"Do you?"

"His name is Leonardo Moretti, but I don't know if that's true. Aless found a birth certificate of him, and the name said Leonardo..." she thought for a second. "Morandi? Mazzanti?" I started to get nervous. Please don't say Miniati. Please don't say Miniati. "Miniati. Leonardo Miniati." I sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "What?"

"Leonardo Miniati is a dangerous drug lord that used to be part of the Re Di Sangue Nero."

"Re Di Sangue Nero?"

"Yes. It's what I am. Its the "Black Blood Kings. He was banished from the Re Di when he was leaking information to another family. As revenge, he must have taken Giovanni's daughter when she was three. It's now starting to make sense." BING. I pulled my phone out of my right jeans pocket. 

New Message from Amber Valentino. I sighed.

"Merda." I cursed silently. "It's Amber." (2)

Amber: Hey baby. heard u were back. wanna come over soon? miss you

"She knows I'm back. And she wants me to come over." 

"You deal with that, I'm gonna check up on Aless." I nodded my head.

Me: I told you Amber, we are done. We will never happen

Amber: baby you must b tired. go to sleep. ill stop by in the morning. luv ya

Me: No! You're never allowed back here. stay away.

~ 4 Hours Later ~

I opened my bedroom door, ready to finally go to sleep. I slipped out of my jeans, and slid my shirt over my head. I looked over at the clock. 11:38. It's going to be a long day tomorrow. 

As I was pulling back the covers, I heard a knock at the door. Thinking it was my father to tell me that I had a big day tomorrow, I didn't think twice about throwing on a pair of pants. I opened the door and was surprised to see it was Bailey and Alessandra. 

"Got room for one more?" Bailey asked. I looked a little concerned when I saw Alessandra's red and puffy eyes.

"La mia dolce ragazza." (3) I said as I pulled Alessandra in for a protecting hug. She wrapped her arms around my waist and started to bawl. 

"She really needs you right now." I nodded my head. "Protect her. I'll see you tomorrow morning." I nodded my head once again, and slowly closed the door. I rested my right hand on the lower part of Alessandra's back, using my other hand to wrap underneath her knees, and pick her up, bringing her over to my bed. I gently laid her down, and pulled the blankets over her. BUZZ BUZZ  My phone vibrated to let me know that I got a text. I made sure Aless was comfortable before I walked over to the other side of the bed. I picked up my phone reading the text message.

Bailey: I told her everything. She knows that you have to act a certain way now that you're home. I overheard Gio and Antonio talking about it.

I placed my phone back down on my side table, pulled the covers back, laid down next to Aless, and pulled her in to me. She was still crying, but she seemed to calm down after I pulled her in. She held on to me for a little while before I felt her grip slowly disappear, assuring me that she was finally getting the rest that she needed. I looked over at the clock on my side table. 12:27. I picked up my phone, and started to text my assistant.

Me: Cancel any meetings I have tomorrow. I'm calling in sick, and will work from home. Thanks.

I placed my phone back down, and started to fall asleep myself.


(1) Bitch

(2) Shit

(3) My sweet girl

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