When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story] (25)

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Taking a deep breath, i stared at myself in the mirror in the hall. I looked like crap, but I wouldn't let anyone else know how i felt today. I couldn't be bothered with false excuses and mild lies to cover my feelings. It wasn't anyones business but my own.
    I sighed at my outfit. A baggy, over-the-head Attack! Attack! hoody and grey skinny fit jeans with my battered, red Converse All Stars. This was nothing like me, i hadn't even straightened my hair or done anything with it! It was just scrunched up in a messy bun at the back of my head, stray pieces falling down and into my face. My make-up was minimal, nothing like usual. I knew that if i wore eyeliner, it would only smudge.
    With a final sigh  and a mutter of a few curse words, I turned to the front door and opened it; plastering the biggest, most fake smile upon my lips.

"Hey, Jess."
I greeted my best friend as i walked down the front drive to meet her. My voice was sickly sweet and sprinkled with false happiness.

There was no way i was going to be able to fool my best friend.

"Someone got out of the wrong side of her bed this morning." Was all she said before we started walking side by side along the oh-so-familiar route to school.

School. Where i would see Mr Hinchcliffe for a whole hour and, knowing my luck, probably in between all of my lessons and on all of my breaks, too. I know that when i see him my anger will just rekindle and come back with just as much force as it did the other night, like putting fuel into an almost-empty tank that fuels the engine of a 300mph Mercedes. Fierce.

"Yeah, something like that." I let my smile drop, the cuddle that i received from Jess only confirmed what i already knew: I couldn't fool her.

"Well…listen, Jas…" She started as we began the short walk to school.

"Yeah?" I questioned, genuinely curious as to what she was going to say. It sounded serious, whatever it was. A somewhat awkward silence followed my question and all i could hear was the tap of our shoes on the concrete as we walked…and the odd car went past, but that didn't really register.

I risked a quick side-glance in Jess' direction and i noticed she was biting her lip, something she only did when she was nervous or wanted someone to kiss her….and i'm presuming it wasn't the latter.

"What's wrong, Jess?" I prompted her, smiling gently in reassurance.

"Well, okay. Right, please don't get mad at me because I only care. But i know theres something wrong, Jas, I've known you long enough to know when something is bothering or upsetting you. I just want you to know that I'm here for you to talk to when you're ready to speak up, because it's clearly obvious that you're not ready yet." She spoke really fast so the whole thing came out in a rush, ending with her chewing on her lip once again.

I didn't know she noticed that much! I must be really crap at keeping things hidden, then. But, to be honest, this just added to my pain. In fact, i could cry at the fact she cared so much and i was keeping all this from her. I really didn't deserve to be cared about.

"Oh, Jess. Thank you so much. It means a lot." I side hugged her as we walked, now entering the school campus. I felt a sigh leave my lips, i really didn't want to be here.

"It's alright." She replied and i smiled thankfully at her. "Oh, and just so you know, you look crap this morning."

Typical Jess, really. I was surprised she been said that about caring about me. I knew she did and she knew i cared about her, too, but with us it was unspoken, so it didn't surprise me when she ended the conversation so abruptly.

I groaned in response and flipped her off as i headed to my first class, we had already missed homeroom. I have no idea how we managed to do that, we must have been stood talking for way longer than i thought. Or maybe we set off late? Took a different route? …No, we definitely used our usual route. Hmm…

SEE! I'm already over thinking things!

Today is going to go so slow.

"Jasmine! You're half an hour late to school! What are your reasons?" The teacher screamed at me as soon as i entered the Math room and suddenly, i had 28 pairs of eyes all on me. I don't do well with attention, i could feel my face growing hot by the second. Trust me to forget that i had Miss Williams on a Monday morning, one of the strictest teachers to ever walk the Earth. I groaned inwardly…or at least, i thought i did…

"Excuse me, young lady?! How DARE you use such cheek in my presence?!"

"What?!" I exclaimed, not really knowing what i was doing. This was unbelievable, this wasn't me at all…i never spoke back to teachers! Lack of sleep must have really gone to my head. That, along with the fact that i was beyond angry with my idiot of an English teacher.

"I haven't done anything, Miss!" I continued. Jeeez, i just couldn't stop, could i!? MENTAL SLAP AROUND THE FACE.

"How dare you! First groaning at me and now you're talking back to me?! Unbelievable! What happened to you, Jasmine? You were such a promising student. Now get out of my classroom. I want you to go to Isolation for the rest of the day, i'll explain to your other teachers where you are and why you're there."

"But Miss-" I started, only to be cut off by a screech of 'GO!'.

Not going to lie, i stomped out of that room like a 3 year old who had just had her chocolate taken off of her. Pathetic, really, but i didn't do anything! And now i had to sit in Iso all day, a room where all the destructive kids were sent to calm down or to get away from the other students for their safety. What. The. Fuck. And i had to sit in silence ALL DAY and wasn't even allowed out on my breaks. This isn't fair. I swear, one day i will sue this school for mistreatment.

I stumbled into the almost silent room to find it empty, the only slight noise i could hear was the rustle of papers coming from the small store room at the back of the room. I went to a seat and slammed my bag down on the desk, prompting the rustling to stop. I heard someone clear their throat behind me, presumably the teacher, so i didn't grace them with turning round. I was in such a bad mood.

Instead, i sat and faced the front of the room, laying my books out in front of me and flicking through them absent mindedly. I didn't pay much attention to the teacher in the room until i heard the turn of the lock on the door.

Why would the teacher be locking the door?

I snapped my head up abruptly to question the action, but i didn't need an explanation when i saw what was in front of me.

Oh, no.


I'm sososososoooo sorry! It's been over a month! I didn't realise at all, time goes so quick now i'm at college! I've had a realllly, reaaallly long assignment and it's been really difficult, so most of my time [EDIT: ALL of my time] has been spent on that! SORRY<3

I have half term now!! Well, as of Thursday, so if i don't update atleast 4 times during those 2 weeks then you can go crazy at me haha xD

Hope you enjoyed this, sorry it's short but i have my deadline on Thursday and just thought i really, REALLY needed to upload!

Thank you SOOO much for all the support! Loads if not all of my chapters not have over a thousand views, it made me feel amazing. :3 Unbelievable. I love you so much!

I have a 30 Seconds To Mars tattoo, now, too! :D And i saw A Day To Remember, Pierce The Veil & Bayside live last week! :D Was AMAZING. & I'm going to see Good Charlotte, Framing Hanley, Four Year Strong and The Wonder Years on Friday on Kerrang! Tour :'DD.

Peace, Love & ADTR. <3 xoxox

PS: Follow me on Twitter!! :'D <3 @idgafChar

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