When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story] (17)

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The whole day so far had been a horrible blur...sure, I was in school...but my mind wasn't. It was with Damien and his safety, and part of it was thinking about my next lesson. In 5 minutes English started and I had to, once again, avoid Mr Hinchcliffe's gaze. If I even thought about looking into his eyes I wouldn't hesitate to tell him what my plan was, and something told me that he wouldn't like it at all. I hadn't known him long, but I knew that he would try stop me.

Even if I am one of the most stubborn people I know, his gaze had something about it...something that wasn't necessarily nice.

The harsh ringing of the bell cut into my thoughts and I pulled my self out of my seat, walking slowly to the door. I walked the familiar route my the English classroom with my head down and not looking at anyone, and I still had one headphone in from the previous lesson.

Yes, I listened to my iPod in Math. It's not that much of a crime, really...if I didn't then I'd end up literally killing someone in that lesson. I hated it.

My feet came to an abrupt halt when I saw the bottom of the familiar door in front of my. I slowly lifted my gaze up and reached my hand out, opening the door slowly.

'Keep calm, and don't look at him. You've got the ticket now, he can't change your mind or stop you.' The thoughts circled in my head and kept repeating themselves, reminding me not to crack under his gaze.

Thankfully, when I opened the door I was greeted with the chatter of my class mates instead of silence, telling me that I wasn't early and wouldn't have to face Mr Hinchcliffe on a one-on-one basis. I sighed in relief as I took my seat, pulling out my note pad and beginning to doodle. Again, my mind began to wonder and I only broke the daydream to reply to my name in the register.

I had only know Mr Hinchcliffe for nearly 2 weeks and already he knew more about me than my closest friends did. Hell, more than even some of my family did. At first it scared me slightly, but after our various encounters it...I don't know, it calmed me slightly. It sounds stupid, I know, but it's like a weight has been lifted off my shoulder knowing that someone knows how I feel instead of only believing the façade. How he knew my mother though, well that was intriguing...and he knows damn right that I'm not going to stop until I find out how and why.

Last night I bought an adult return ticket to England to see my little brother, even though I knew In my heart that it wasn't safe. However, it was a risk I was willing to take to make sure that Damien was okay. This is the reason that I was so scared to even look at Mr Hinchcliffe, I knew he wouldn't let me go there in any circumstances whatsoever.

Well, though luck, it's my life and I'll do as I want. Especially if it concerns my little brothers safety.


A sharp voice cut me out of my thoughts and I was brought kicking and screaming back down to reality. I knew who's voice it was, so I ignored the urge I had to look up at him and instead just stared down at my notepad.

"Yes, Sir?" I asked in reply to his question, my voice a small whisper. I could hear chattering all around me and at first I thought I was been ridiculed, however, when I lifted my gaze slightly and scanned the room quickly I saw that most people were engaged in their own conversations as they did their work, not paying the slightest bit of attention to either me or Mr Hinchcliffe. Well, okay, that's a slight lie...there were a few girls at the other side of the room still staring at Mr Hinchcliffe, but that was expected.

"I set people to work twenty minutes ago and you still haven't done anything...this isn't acceptable."

He set people a task? I didn't hear! Oh shit, so much for keeping out of the picture during this lesson. I've now made myself stand out from everyone majorly. Pfft. The one time I want to blend in and I even fail at that.

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