When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story] (35)

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/* Quick note to tell you guys that i did my first interview with the lovely @blue_flames! Go check it out, here's the link and there's an important note at the end of this chapter, too! :)

http://www.wattpad.com/4480640-the-wattpad-stars-interviews-part1 /*

I watched in shock and astonishment as John moved towards me slightly, stumbling. I could smell the alcohol coming off him, he was crazy! At least if you're going to kill me, be sober enough to do it. I should move, I know I should move but I can't. I don't know if it's shock or just utter stupidity but I wasn't going anywhere any time soon.

“Not gonna fight me, Jasmine? Or you, placebo?” He slurred, laughing as he stood there with the knife pointed at me. If I reached my hand straight out, I would be able to touch it. Still, I could not move at all. But I could speak.

“M-Marc, why is he calling yo-” I began to ask, my voice shaky and my eyes never leaving Johns.

“Yeah Marc, why am I calling you that?” John cut in, something between a sneer and a smirk on his face. I glanced at Marc and he looked worried, like he didn't want me to know the answer.

“She doesn't need to know that.” Marc spat angrily.

All I could do was look between the two, confusion flooding me.

“Nope, but i'm going to tell her anyway. See, Jas...” John turned to me but I still, for some reason, couldn't move. He sat on the bed in front of me and Mr Hinchcliffe made his way to my side.

“This guy is a filthy, disgusting liar. He's lied to me, your MOTHER, you...I doubt he'll ever stop being a liar. Jokes on you for trusting him. He's an undercover agent who joined our gang to get us caught. Now he's 'protecting' you, though he ain't doing such a good job at it...”

W-what...? So, wait a minute. Marc wasn't actually a member of the gang? Right, well that's good, I guess. But he's an agent? What? WHY IS MY LIFE SO DAMN COMPLICATED. I'm about to die, yet i'm just sat here trying to figure out if my teacher is actually a secret agent or not. Ok then, whatever. I looked at Marc with confusion dominating my features. He shrugged...and then nodded.

“Yeah...yeah, he's telling the truth. I joined the gang to get the people involved caught. It went wrong when your Mother became like a Mum to me, too. I got too attached and decided I couldn't do the job any more. I-uh, I tried to leave the gang but they weren't having any of it. I had a huge fight and a few months later, I found Anna dead. I was the one who found her so I decided I wanted to try find out who did it. I decided to stay with the gang, doing some undercover research...but your father worked me out. I had to flee to the States, and my next assignment was to look after you.”

Marc placed his hand on my shoulder...very much like a father would a daughter.

When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang