When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story] (22)

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I watched Mr Hinchcliffe intently as he sat down on the couch, leaning his elbows on his knees and resting his head in his upturned palms. He paused like that for a second before motioning for me to sit beside him. I did so.

“What happened while you were gone, Jasmine? And don't mess me around, we have a deal.” He said in a somewhat authoritive, yet still concerned voice.

I nodded my head, he was right...we did have a deal. As long as I told him what happened, he'll answer my many questions. Or at least, that's what we said to each other and, although I had no reason not to trust Mr Hinchcliffe, there was still something niggling me at the back of my brain to be careful. I knew I could trust him but why would he give up these secrets so easily?

I mentally shrugged. I wasn't going to miss this chance and I knew he only cared about me, he wouldn't ask this question otherwise.

“Well,” I began, choosing my words carefully in my mind before I spoke them, something I rarely did.

I sighed lightly before carrying on. “Nothing, really! I mean, you saw him take me from School but that was about it, he put me in the car and I ran off.”

“You ran off...yeah, whatever. Tell me the full story, you're not getting away with that.”

I ducked my head, lying to him was going to be harder than I thought. Could I even lie to him? No, probably not, but that didn't mean I couldn't try...

“All that happened is he put me in the back of my car and, when we stopped at a gas station, I ran for it. Luckily I still had my phone with me so I panicked and called Jess, then hid in a small, suburban estate where I figured that guy wouldn't find me. That's it.”

I left out the throwing me in the car, pushing me, name calling and screaming in my face...it was unnecessary and didn't need to be included. I just wanted to hear his secrets! It was really starting to get to me why he seemed to care about me so much and how he knew my mother...

I looked up at him when I realised I was staring at the floor as I spoke, not making eye contact. I cursed inwardly. That's about right, Jas, make it obvious to him your lying the one time you REALLY need him to believe you.

However, he didn't seem phased. Instead, he nodded his head slowly as his eyes smouldered into my own, I was unable to pull my gaze away even though I knew I should.

“He didn't hurt you at all?” He asked, his tone apprehensive and slightly unbelieving, but that faded away when I sent him a warm smile. God bless my acting skills, I knew that drama degree would come in handy somewhere!

“No.” I confirmed my lie, making myself feel worse inside as each second ticked by. It needed to be done, though, I didn't want him to worry about me.

“So,” I continued, “Your turn.” I tried not not seem too egar, but I couldn't help myself. I mean, some on, I’d been trying to figure this out for long enough.

He shrugged submissively, keeping his gaze on me.

When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz