When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story] (3)

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*/ Told you I'd update same day! :D Things start to get more interesting here. But remember that the first few chapters are just building up the story line and preparing for it :P It is pretty interesting though, we meet more of Mr. Hinchcliffe :P/*

I made my way towards the cafeteria and could see Jess waiting for me by the main door, tapping her foot impatiently. I approached her quickly and we headed into the hall together, Jess scolding me for been so late.

"I mean, gosh Jas! You were 10 minutes. Hello! 10 FULL minutes, we only have half an hour for lunch as it is."

Her voice was light but I could hear the anger and frustration that was scattered throughout her tone.

"Sorry! Where's Matt anyway? I thought he was waiting, too."

"Nah," She replied. "Him and his football mates went to smoke weed on the back fields."

"Ugh. Surprise, surprise." I couldn't help but to be angry. He'd rather get high than spend lunch with me, how wonderful. By now, me and Jess were paying for our lunch. I picked a simple sandwich, I wouldn't dare chance eating anything else from here...besides, I wasn't really hungry.

I spotted our friends at our usual table finishing up their lunches, so I nudged Jess and we headed towards them. As usual; Michael, Kelly, Adrian, Jamie and Sarah were all sat there. I couldn't help but to be pleased to see them, it's been months since we hung out like this at school!

I greeted each of them and sat down with Jess to eat my lunch. The others left quickly to go bask in the heat of the sun as they had finished eating. I wouldn't have minded going along with them, but right now I actually HAD to tell Jess about the weird mystery teacher guy. Jess was my best friend and I shared practically everything with her. I told the others that I'd hang out with them after school.

"Oh, Jess! You should have seen the weird guy I met at my locker...he was gorgeous."

Jess paused for a minute, pondering what I had just said.

"...You met someone at your locker? Gosh Jas, You've always been weird." A look of complete confusion dominated her face and I let out a small laugh.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. I know i'm weird." I nodded, agreeing with her completely. I mean, I was weird. It's the best way to be. "But I actually did. The most gorgeous guy was standing by my locker on his phone. I mean, at first I thought he was a student, but then...well, but then he told me he was staff. Like, he had deep green eyes and this cute messy hair. But boy was he an utter loser. I mean, he was so cheeky"

"Staff?" The look of confusion on her face became even more apparent and her eyes stared at me widely, however, almost as soon as it appeared it was replaced with one of realisation. Again, I laughed. Mood swings much!

"OHMIGODJAS." Jess almost screamed, flailing her hands a little. "Did he have like a grey skinny fitting suit on and a black tie?!"

Now it was my turn to be confused...she was right. I nodded my head and again she started flailing, looking like she was having some kind of fit.

"Calm down Jess," I said through giggles. "You look like you're going to collapse."

"No no no!" She replied. "Mr. Hinchcliffe! That was him, the new English teacher!"

I felt my mouth drop open in astonishment and nodded my head as Jess described his looks. It was him! Oh my god, I was one of the first to speak to the new English teacher! But to be honest, he seemed like a complete idiot anyway. When I told Jess that he was rude and spoke her through what happened, again that confused look highlighted her face. Apparently he was meant to be one of the coolest, nicest teachers this school had ever seen.

When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now