When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story] (26)

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“Hey Jess.” I greeted my best friend in a voice sickly sweet and with a smile that was so obviously phoney. I was stupid to think I would be able to fool Jess. I walked down my drive to meet her and she shook her head gently at my falseness, beginning to walk towards school.

“Sup?” I asked her, playing the dumb, innocent card.

“I should be the one asking you that.” She replied quietly, shaking her head once more. Crap, I really was in shit with her.

“Uh, sorry...” I stuttered stupidly, not really knowing what to say. I should tell her, right? I trusted her and I know she would never judge me. I bit my lip as I walked beside her, debating with myself in my head. It was like a never ending battle with myself. I feel guilty for not telling her but wary at the same time. Ahh.

“Jas, are you okay?” A heard a male voice ask me but it sounded really distant. I don't know what came over me because I’m usually a very polite person, but I ignored the voice. I walked straight through the school gates and past the figure that had spoken to me without even looking in their direction. What was wrong with me!? I must either be really, really upset or my subconscious knew I didn't want to talk to that person...either way, what I just did was out of character.

“Jas! What on Earth are you doing?!” I heard Jess ask me, but I was still vacant and consumed in my own thoughts. She carried on. “That was Mr. Hinchcliffe! Showing he cared about you, and you just totally ignored him. Half of the girls in our year would kill for that to happen. Oh my. What is WRONG with you today?! Plus, you're probably in for a detention now.”

Oh...so that is why I ignored the voice. It was my subconscious, knowing I didn't want to talk to Marc. Figures, I guess. For once my brain was actually working for me.

I shook my head at Jess, not sure how to reply to her outburst. All I could mutter was 'sorry' as we walked into home room. Most of what she said blurred into one, long mumble but I did pick one bit out; 'in for a detention'.


I gave him the one thing he wanted, an excuse to have me to himself, in private, for one whole hour. I could fool myself and hope like hell that he wouldn't do this but come on...it's Marc Hinchcliffe.

Whatever. Today was going to be one long, horrible day. I could feel it, even the air felt like it was closing in on me. Fantastic.

The bell rung loudly for lunchtime and usually, I would have been looking forward to this time of day. But today was different, all it meant was I was an hour closer to my English lesson. I made my way to the cafeteria slowly, looking around for Jess. She wasn't where we usually met, by the canteen doors, and neither were any other of my friends. Great. As if this lunch wasn't going to be bad enough I now had forced to spend it alone.

All I could think was that they probably had a detention or something, they wouldn't purposely ditch me. I walked straight past the canteen and headed over to the sports fields round the back of the school, where I usually spent lunch if the others weren't around. I passed some kids talking about an exam...a Math one, which was probably where all my friends were right now.

I sat at the far side of the fields, far away enough so that the sports teams wouldn't pay attention to me but close enough so that I could still hear faint chatter. It was pretty quiet but I hoped focusing on the chatter of others would stop my thoughts from taking over and messing up my brain.

It didn't. I couldn't stop thinking about Mr Hinchcliffe...he wouldn't get out of my head! I tried to ignore my thoughts as much as I could but the same thing kept repeating in my mind, like my brain was trying to force me to do something. Weird, right?

Either way, I knew I had to tell him about my plans to go to England...this wasn't going to be easy anyway, but now I’m meant to be ignoring him! Oh, hell.

Why does life hate me so much?!

I was just about to lay back on the grass and take in this gorgeous sunshine when a loud, shrill sound filled my ears. WHAT?! Lunch break was over already?! This is ridiculous, I really had to stop wasting my time thinking about some teacher...no. No, that's not what he is...there's more to him than a teacher. I just know it.

With a heavy sigh, I pushed myself up off of the soft grass and trudged slowly back toward the main school building. I couldn't even be bothered to try and find my friends before class, I just headed straight towards English. I wanted to get this lesson over and finished as soon as possible.

I held my breath as I pushed open the door to the English classroom, expecting the room to be half full of chattering students waiting to start class. It wasn't. Everyone was in their seats with their work out, now facing me with smirks on their faces.

“Jasmine, you're-” He stopped to glance at the clock on the wall. “15 minutes late! Take your seat and I’ll come over and speak to you when I set the task.”

I rolled my eyes at Mr Hinchcliffe, purposely letting him see how unimpressed I was. Not that he cared, obviously. I took my seat and pulled out my notepad as he carried on with the lecture, of course I didn't care to listen. His voice just droned on and on, just mere background noise to my, once again, overwhelming thoughts.

I did, however, notice when the droning stopped and people began to work. Well, half of the class did...the male half. The female population of the class just started asking for his help, even though the task was something stupidly easy like 'sharpen your pencils'.

I began to mindlessly doodle on the front of my notebook, subconciously drawing small hearts. Yes, this was my life. I carried on with the stupid drawing until I heard someone clear their throat in front of my desk and I looked up, already knowing who I would see.

“Jasmine, you owe me a detention, I’m afraid. After school, in this room, please.” He said in that authoritive voice sprinkled with arrogance. I wanted to wipe that smug smile right off of his face and tell him exactly what I thought...but did I? No.

“Okay, Sir.”

Well, at least I had something to look forward to at the end of the day. Or NOT. Shit was going to go down and he knew this as well as I did.

This was only the beginning.


I love you so much for still being here<3

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Todays song; ADTR - You Had Me At Hello /*

When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now