When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story] (10)

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*/ This chapter and the next focuses mainly on Marc and Jas' relationship. There will be some important stuff in it though, so :P /*

felt two hands grip my shoulders gently and push me back down to where I was sitting not 2 minutes ago. Ok, so this was very, very weird. I didn't say anything, just watched as Mr Hinchcliffe sat down next to me and listened to him as he spoke. If I tried to talk, I'm not sure what I'd say anyway...probably just make an idiot of myself.

"You need to rest, your head got hit pretty hard last night. I brought you back to mine because I figured you wouldn't really want your dad asking questions."

That explained where I was, I hadn't been kidnapped! Thank god! I nodded my head in response to what he said; he was right, my dad would probably freak out. He carried on.

"You've been out for about ten hours and I didn't want to forcibly wake you. I mean, you looked pretty peaceful and I didn't want you to go into panic mode so I just let you wait it out. Oh and you've just woke me up, you know."

"Uh, sorry." Was all I could say, and he chuckled in response. I groaned as my thoughts suddenly hit me. It was 2:20am now...I had to be up at 6 for school. And although my dad might freak out if I came home looking like I'd been in a fight, he'd freak out even more if he found that I'd stayed the night at my teacher's apartment. Oh no.

As if he could read my mind, Mr Hinchcliffe rubbed his face with his hands and spoke.

"I used your phone to call Jess, she said she would cover for you tonight so I texted your dad from you to say you were staying the night with her. I also called in school for us both earlier and they're not expecting us in tomorrow. I thought we should give it some time to let the bruising die down, as well as the concussion."

I let what he said register in my mind for a second. Right, that worked...but I wish he didn't have to call Jess. I wouldn't hear the end of it now.

"Right, well thanks." My voice was hoarse from lack of use after sleeping for ten hours straight. Well, been unconscious for ten hours, so I cleared my throat quickly. I was ready to speak...but I didn't know what to say. What do you say in a situation like this? All I could think of was the many questions I wanted, sorry NEEDED, to ask.

"What happened? Who was that guy...and why were you there?" was the first thing that popped into my mind. Well it seemed like a pretty reasonable question, right? Yeah. He didn't answer me though.

"Hm. Do you want something to drink? Coffee, hot chocolate...?"

I nodded my head.

"Yeah. Hot chocolate would be nice, please."

In all honesty, I could do with something to drink. My throat ached from dehydration. He disappeared into what I expected was the kitchen and I sank into the soft leather of Mr Hinchcliffe's couch. I wrapped his blanket around me and snuggled into it, no longer feeling tired...just cold and slightly confused.

"The remote control for the television is on the coffee table in front of you," i heard him shout from the kitchen. "Flip it on and see what's to watch if you like."

I reached my hand out and grabbed the black remote before snuggling back into the blanket. I flicked through the channels in disappointment, there was nothing decent on at this time of night...well, morning. Either way, the only thing on that was watchable was a rerun of Friends.

I was snuggled on Mr Hinchcliffe's couch, in Mr Hinchcliffe's blanket, watching Mr Hinchcliffe's television in Mr Hinchcliffe's apartment. Yeah, you get the idea. But, Oh my god!! It was a typical guy's apartment, really. There were various magazines scattered on the coffee table and a couple of empty pizza boxes underneath it. The walls were mainly bare apart from a clock and a couple of photographs; I could make out Mr Hinchcliffe in one of them with his arm around a smaller man. It looked a few years old, but the thing that shocked me was the background to the picture. They were stood in front of a place which looked familiar to me...only vaguely, like it was somewhere I'd read about before or been once or twice. The answer would come to me soon enough.

When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now