When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story] (15 - Part 2)

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*/ Here it is! I told you it wouldn't be long...so :D /*

"Jas! Oh god, Jasmine...please wake up!"

My eye's shot open and I jumped from where I was sitting, feeling the blood rush to my head and causing me to stumble slightly. Nevertheless, I was determined not to fall...i had to find Damien and my mother. I looked around the slightly familiar room with urgency, until a tingling sensation shot up my arm. I shivered at the touch, looking up into Mr Hinchcliffe's confused and hurt expression.

"What?" I asked quickly, suddenly getting really confused. Why was he here? I was in Damien's room not two seconds ago..I need to see him and my mum!

"Calm down, you're shivering. Come back under the blanket. What are you doing?"

"Where's my mum and Damien!?" I asked frantically, noticing now that I wasn't in Damien's room any more. I couldn't remember leaving it, though. What the fuck?

A confused look dominated Mr Hinchcliffe's features as I turned back around, heading for the door that leads to the hallway. I almost made it before the familiar tingling shot up my arm.

"Jasmine! You were just dreaming, sweetie!" Mr Hinchcliffe spun me so that I was fully facing him and began to shake me gently by the shoulders. I didn't notice I was crying until I felt small droplets of water drip from my chin.

"No! I couldn't have been! It was so real, she...she was there! And so was Damien! And, oh my god, I want them back so much Marc."

The whole lot came out as a hysteric shout, and I don't know why the fuck I was calling him by hist first name, either. 'Mr Hinchcliffe' seemed like a mouth full (LOLINUENDO) at this point, I could barely speak simple English.

"Oh, Jas." He sighed, wrapping his arms around me. "I miss her, too."

I couldn't be bothered to argue or question him, so instead I held him back and snuggled my head into his shoulder. Sure, I was hugging my teacher...but fuck it. He knew her, that's all I cared about.

He ushered me back to the couch that I was previously laying on, and pushed me down gently. I grabbed the nearby blanket and pulled it over me, grateful for the warmth. It was only after my hysteric outburst that I realised how cold I was...and how much my head hurt. My face distorted in pain and the thumping in my head, and I turned to see Mr Hinchcliffe with concern written all over his face. He smiled slightly.

"I see last night is paying off on you. Paracetamol?"

"Please." I nodded vigorously, and regretted it immediately. Fuck my life.

He left the room and returned in seconds, which is when I noticed what he was wearing. After handing me a small tumbler of water and 2 tablets, he sat down next to me once again as I took them without hesitation.

"Mr-i mean, Marc. Why are you wearing a suit?" I asked, genuinely interested. The only time I ever saw him wear a suit was when he was teaching, and even then he usually took off his tie and loosened his top button half way through the day...

"I'm teaching today, Jas." He said, confirming my almost-suspicion. I nodded.

"Oh, okay...who're you teaching?"

"Well, the people I normally teach. You do know it's Friday, right?"

I felt my cheeks heat up as Mr Hinchcliffe looked at me, a look of utter amusement adorning his features. Pfft, I'd forgotten about how arrogant he can be sometimes. Maybe I thought he'd lost it, in the space of a few days? Yeah, no such luck.

"Y-yeah! I knew that...Fuck it, I better get ready." I said, jumping up from the sofa once again. I really wasn't in the mood for school, at all...but I can't exactly ditch, can I? I'm in a teachers house!

When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now