When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story] (12)

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I didn't sleep that night, nor did I any night for the next week. What I've heard, what I've seen, what I've experienced...it's all too much for things to be a coincidence. And all these thoughts just swam around my head, threatening to escape every time I saw Mr Hinchcliffe.

It had gotten to the point where now, whenever I have a lesson with him, I arrive on time and take a seat at the back next to Jess. Whenever he caught my eye I had to turn away, knowing that as soon as his gaze met mine it would be like some kind of truth serum had been pumped into my veins. I would end up telling him everything, all my thoughts on the previous weeks' goings on. That's also why I changed direction when I saw him in the hallway or dipped my head when I saw him in the parking lot...it was getting too much to bear.

Because, although been alone with him or catching his gaze would mean I confessed everything, I still wanted to do these things. Even after him only been my teacher for two weeks, it still felt completely strange to not spend time alone with him or to not be able to talk to him properly. It was like something was missing. Like when your best friend goes on holiday and you need to tell him/her something but you can't until they get home...it sucks.

The bell rang for the end of school, and I jumped out of me seat and headed for the door of my Social Studies classroom. I was in a rush to get out of the school grounds immediately so I wouldn't have to encounter another chance meeting with Mr Hinchcliffe. However, Jess grabbed my arm.

"Jasmine Wilson. We need to talk." She said in mock anger, although I couldn't think for a minute why we needed to talk. I'd only spoken to her at lunch and that was only an hour or so ago. By now, the classroom was empty and the teacher had left to go home.

"Why?" I asked in a puzzled tone.

"Because, missus, you've been acting mopey all week. You've barely spoken to anyone and you've only been picking at your food. Oh, and you've moved in Mr Hinchcliffe's class and barely even looked at him, besides the fact that whenever he asks you a question you only use monosyllables when any other girl would jump at the fact to speak him an essay. You haven't answered your phone to me all week, and I've not seen you out of school, either. Tell me what is going on. Now."

I shook my head. God, she was good; but then again, what did I expect from a girl who had been my friend for going on 2 years? She could read me better than Mr Hinchcliffe could read a book, and he was a Literature teacher.

"God, you're good." I told her, complete honesty in my voice and not a hint of sincerity. "You're right. But I can't talk right now, I'll tell you about the Hinchcliffe thing later...why don't you come over tonight and we'll have a chat? I guess we could order pizza or something."

I suddenly realised how worried she must have been when I saw the smile that appeared on her face. It was a huge, warm, welcoming grin that showed her complete happiness that her best friend was back. Even though I hadn't even been gone...or had i? I'm wasn't too sure, all I knew was that the whole Hinchcliffe situation was confusing the hell out of me, and exhausting me emotionally.

"Cool!" She exclaimed, "And I KNEW it was a Hinchcliffe situation! I'll come over at about 6? I'll bring some DVD's and stuff, too. Make it a proper girly night! Plus, I don't have curfew because it's Friday!"

I smiled and she hugged me before muttering 'see you later', and then hurrying off to get ready for tonight. I sighed, exasperated. I took a moment to compose myself and then turned to go out of the doorway of the classroom. And, surprise surprise, I was greeted by my least favourite person of the moment.

He leaned against the door frame, the door swinging open behind him. The expression he wore on his face was half way between his signature smirk and a frown, making his mouth settle in a strange line. He looked right at me but I ducked my head immediately, ha! He couldn't beat me that easily, although this was the first time we'd been alone together this week.

When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now