When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story] (9)

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*/ This chapter may be unexpected...I've realised that Marc and Jas have been getting pretty close pretty quickly, and this chapter isn't any differenct. But there's a reason as to why they get close so quicky. Yet another twist ;) You'll have to keep reading to find out hehehhe :P /*

I turned and ran as fast as I could, but I was already still tired out after the run earlier with Mr Hinchcliffe. I turned left to try and lose the guy that was now chasing me, but I ran straight into a dead end alley. Oh great, wonderful, fantastic. What do I do now? I began to panic and I could feel my hands shaking.

I watched in shock as the man who was chasing me and Mr Hinchcliffe earlier turned the corner and began walking towards me. He must have followed us in his car or something. For every step he took towards me I took one back, until I could eventually feel the cold brick of the wall on my back. I pressed myself up against the wall as if I could push myself through it somehow, not knowing what else to do. I didn't particularly want to die.

As he came closer I could just about make out his features and facial expression. He had very short hair that looked like it was a dirty blonde in this light but I couldn't be sure, and his eyes were a dark blue. Not a pleasant dark blue, menacing.

He was now only a couple of metres away from me, three at the most. He stopped and looked right at me, and I couldn't help but to start to panic. The palms of my hands were sweaty and my heart beat had increased substantially, again I tried to move further back from the man forgetting that I was backed up against the wall already.

"Well, hello there." The man spoke in an accent that shocked me...because it was British. Well, I wasn't expecting that at all. I mean, it seemed weird that the only other British person I'd met in this town was out to get me. I looked away from him and moved to the corner between the wall and the cinema in a hope that, if he got distracted somehow, I might have been able to run for it. Much to my dismay he came and stood directly in front of me. And much closer.

"What do you want?" I asked. I could feel my lips shaking and hear my voice wavering, stupidly letting him know that I was scared. Wasn't that like the top rule in confronting scary men? Not to let them know you're scared...or it might have been to run. Ah, whatever. I didn't care, right then there was some psycho stood in front of me like he wanted to eat me and I didn't have time to think things through.

He laughed slightly and took another step toward me, the gap in between us now not much more than a metre. I backed into the corner, receiving a chuckle from the man.

"You, silly. Why do you think I came all this way? We. Want. You."


Who did he mean by we?! Oh god, this week had just been getting weirder and weirder, and now this was the height of weirdness. I couldn't think of anything else to say other than to question what he meant, but he ignored me anyway. Instead he lifted his hand to my face and I turned away, expecting an impact. However, he cupped my face gently and made me look up at him...well, I say gently but his hold was so strong that I couldn't turn away. His eyes examined my face and he spoke so quietly that I had to strain my ears to hear him.

"Yes, we. You're so pretty, Jasmine." Now he knew my name...brilliant. "Your mother...such a shame."

WHAT!? How did everyone suddenly know about her and my private business?

"My mother's situation is none of your business." I spoke back, again trying to move my head. I gasped in pain when he forced my head back against the wall, an intense pain shot through my head and my vision went blurry for a second. This time I didn't even try to hold back the tears, I just let them flow freely down my cheeks.

When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now