When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story] (2)

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*/NEW CHAPTER! :D This ones a bit longer than the last one, so i hope you enjoy :) You learn a bit more about Jasmine :D I'm going to upload soon./*

Sighing, I brushed all thoughts of my mum to the side and ignored the pang of guilt that I instantly felt. It was the first day back at school and as hard as it was, I had to stop myself from dwelling on thoughts of her because I didn't want to get upset today.

I left the house with a quick wave goodbye to my dad and immediately felt the heat of the sun beaming down on my pale exterior. Perfect. At least now I might be able to get at least some sort of a tan, I thought hopefully as I headed down the driveway towards my not-so-old deep purple Mini Cooper.


A loud voice caught me off guard and without been able to stop myself I let out an ear piercing scream, cutting the atmosphere like a knife cutting wedding cake. I stumbled backwards and fell straight on my bum, grunting in frustration as I felt the heat of the tarmac through my jeans. I glanced up to see what idiot had done that, and not to my surprise I saw my best friend Jess stood there looking down at me. Well, I say stood. She was letting her insane laughter get the better of her so she was bent over clenching her tummy.

"Oh, haha. Yeah. Totally fucking funny."

I said in frustration as I pulled myself off of the dirty tarmac and brushed my hands together. I checked my jeans wearily, thank god that they were still clean.

"It was though..."

Jess spoke through giggles, letting them finally calm down. When they did she spoke again, this time in her usual sing-song like high pitched voice. "Oh gosh, I'm sorry Jasmine, but I couldn't help myself!"

I narrowed my eyes in response to her. She can fuck right off if she's going to be like this all day, I was trying my best to stay happy and open minded about the first day back.

"N'awww. Don't be like that," She sighed. "I thought we could walk to school seen as the weather is beautiful. I also told Matt that we'd stop off at his house and walk the rest of the way with him."

She smiled, and I couldn't hold my frustration towards her any longer. Her heart was in the right place, I guess. Apart from why she had to ask Matt along I had no idea. So okay, he was my boyfriend and everything...but she knew how many problems me and him had been having lately and she also knew that if he got drunk and argued with me again that me and him would be over. In all honesty, he was starting to really really annoy me, but I'm too nice to say anything.

I sighed inwardly at my niceness. Grr. It could be such a burden sometimes. Jess must have seen the glum look that took over my expression when she mentioned Matt because she immediately linked arms with me as we walked. What? I didn't even realise we'd started walking. I inwardly slapped myself for not paying enough attention...it was only morning, and I'd already set the tone for the day. Brilliant.

Me and Jess approached Matt's house and he was sat on the wall outside, smoking a cigarette. Lovely, I thought in sarcasm. I hope he doesn't try to kiss me after he's had that, urgh...even the thought of it made me feel sick.

"Hey Matty!" Jess called over to him and he instantly jumped up off the wall and began to walk in step with us...not before stubbing out his cigarette, though. He smiled at Jess and hugged her with one arm, muttering a grumble of 'hey'. He walked round to walk next to me and grabbed my hand with his sweaty palms.

"Hey babe," He drawled in a lazy, heavy voice.

"Hey," I muttered back. And that's when he did it. OH NO! My head was screaming at me, how the hell was I meant to dodge this? He leaned in to kiss me but instead of letting him make contact with my lips, I turned my head slightly so his cigarette-flavoured kiss landed on my cheek. I smiled innocently up at him and he smiled back, nodding ahead of him.

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