When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story] (13)

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*/ Ok, so this one is a little bit shorter, but i guess it's the chapter that you've all been waiting for...it's Mr Hinchcliffe's point of view. :)


She had no idea how much I cared for her and just how much respect I did have for her. Sometimes I just wish that she wasn't so naive and innocent, but if she wasn't then she wouldn't be her. Jasmine had no idea just how important to me she was; I made that one promise to someone and suddenly, Jas had become one of the most important people in my life.

I would be lying if I said that I couldn't stop myself from cupping her face, it was all my choice. I still wasn't sure why I had done it and now I had no idea what to do, so I just looked her straight in the eyes.

She leaned forward, and for a moment something impossible passed through my mind. She wouldn't do that...would she? No, it's illegal and we would both get in so much trouble for it. I wouldn't complain, though, however weird it might have been.

But instead, she leaned to my ear and whispered something to me. I immediately felt stupid for thinking that she might have done something else, of course she wouldn't. She didn't think of me like that, and I was her teacher!...I must have gotten much more caught in the moment than I thought.

What she did, though, scared me as well as worried me. She was so close that I could feel her breath tickling my ear when she spoke, in nothing more than a whisper. If she wasn't so close then I doubt I would have heard.

"I'm so onto you...Marc."

She stayed with her head resting on my shoulder, I was lost for words...i was NEVER lost for words. Instead of saying anything, I wrapped my arms around her and turned the awkward embrace into something a little more comfortable. She squeezed me gently back before I felt one of her hands move up to my neck, a puzzled look taking over my face. Not that she could see, though, her head was still resting against my shoulder.

Before I could think about what she was doing, I felt her cup the locket that I had on in her palm. I KNEW I shouldn't have worn that, especially at school! God dammit what was I thinking?! I could only hope that she didn't notice the familiarity of it.

"Pretty necklace." She whispered, still clutching it with one hand and my waist with the other. "Why are you wearing it?"

Okay, right. I had to keep my breathing at a reasonable pace so I didn't give anything away; I couldn't believe a student had ME wrapped around their finger, it should be the other way around! I inhaled deeply, but it seemed my attempts made no difference. Jasmine pulled back and looked at me, staring me straight in the eyes and still clutching the locket. I lost my train of thought. Shit.

"Your heart beat has sped up, Mr Hinchcliffe." She pointed out, still with a tone of knowing in her voice. I had to deny it as much as I could, I HAD to! I had no choice, no matter how much I wanted her to know. She would find out in time...I wouldn't be able to keep this up for much longer, especially when she had eyes like that.

"I know," I replied, not knowing what else to say. What could I say to try and put her off thinking something was going on? Got it! "Its cause such a pretty girl is so close to me." I said, smirking.

I saw her blush, so it must have worked to some extent. It was partly true, she was a pretty girl...but that wasn't the only reason why my heart beat had sped up.

"Uh, thanks." She said, still blushing. "But I think we both know why you're heart beat has sped up, and I'm not the reason."

She dipped her head then and my heart carried on beating at a million miles per hour, all my attempts at hiding who I was looked like they had failed. I needed to say something fast, anything. I immediately knew what I should say, but I didn't want her to get upset and even more suspicious. However, something was telling me that now was the right time.

"Jas," I said quietly as I gently pulled away from her, now standing a few feet in front of her. My mind was now doing flips with worry and also anticipation. How would she react? "I knew someone, a long time ago..."

I saw her nod her head, almost like she understood what I was saying. It was impossible, though, that she would know...she knew nothing about me. I hoped that the locket wouldn't give anything away; but I had to wear it today, I just had to. I'd been wearing it every year on this date for 2 years; it was my piece of...well, yeah.

I carried on.

"And I made her this promise...I never break my promises, especially ones as important to me as this. I know you want clear answers, but they will come to you soon."

She nodded her head again and I let out an exasperated sigh, thankful that she hadn't freaked out. I saw a look on her face that I haven't ever seen her wear before; It looked as if it was a one of relief yet it still had worry sprinkled through it.

"I understand, I guess..." She said as she picked up her bag, and headed out of the door. She looked as if she was in a rush, so I decided to forget about the rest of the detention. It was only an excuse to get her in here so we could talk, anyway. I went ahead of her and unlocked the door.

"I have to go," She said, as she noticed me walking towards to door. "I'm sorry, but...but there's somewhere I really need to be." I nodded at her in understanding.

"Home to meet Jess?" I asked, "I need to be somewhere, too. Sorry about that, I just figured we needed to talk. You didn't really need to come to detention."

She smiled gently at me. "I know, Marc, I know. And oh shit, Jess! I'm going to have to cancel that."

She looked panicked and pulled out her phone, frantically calling Jess' number. I would have been confused if I didn't know why she was cancelling. God I sound too much like a stalker...good job we both know I am not. Deep down, I know Jas knows that I'm on her side.

I listened to her conversation half-heartedly, not purposely. It's not like I could really help it, she was still in the same room as her. Also, she shouldn't have the volume so loud; I could hear Jess down the phone. She sounded like she understood. In fact, she knew the reason before Jas even said anything.

"Hey, Jess...about tonight," Jas started, but was cut off by Jess.

"I know! I'm really, really sorry I forgot!" She sounded desperate and upset, but Jas shrugged it off.

"Hey, it's fine, really. But can we do this thing tomorrow night instead? I want to, you know..."

"Of course we can! I hope you're okay...call me if you need anything, yeah?" Jess said, and I was glad that Jess had friends that were so caring.

"Yeah, thanks. See you later." Jas mumbled, and snapped her phone shut and turned to me. She waved slightly and headed out of the door, towards her car.

Well, that was close, I said outwardly after Jas was out of sight. I reached up to clutch the locket myself, but couldn't seem to find it. I felt around for it, worry and anger washing over me. Damn it, where was it!? That locket meant more to me than pretty much anything, I can't have lost it! I felt around my neck once more, making sure I hadn't been mistaken. I didn't feel it. I scanned the floor for it and couldn't see it anywhere...the only other option been Jas. I knew she'd recognised it. Shit! I cursed outwardly, and had to grip my desk to steady myself.

I really was in some deep shit now.

*/ I'm in a proper writing mood now, so i might write the next chapter right now. I have a really good idea. Are you guys getting more and more confused? Good. Haha, no i've tried to hint at what's going on but it's up to you to pick it up :P I will come much more clear in the next chapter. /*

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