When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story] (18)

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It seemed like I had been in this car for hours, when in reality it had only been five minutes. I only knew this because I kept peeking over the guys shoulder at the clock on the dash, but that was beginning to really hurt my already injured head.

"I thought I told you to keep your fucking head down?!" Just as I lifted my head up slightly to glance at the LED display, I was met with two wide, angry eyes in my face. I jumped back further into my seat, trying to get away from the evil glare as much as possible. It wasn't only his glare that was scaring me, the idiot wasn't even watching the road!

I sunk back down into the leather covering of the car seats, pulling myself into a small ball facing the back of the seats. I wanted to keep out of his face as much as possible, that way he wouldn't see how scared I actually was. I wish someone would find me. I mean, if only I hadn't le-

Oh my god. Now I felt stupid.

All this time I thought I left my mobile phone at home charging, but then I realised I was using it earlier to text Jess in lessons! Oh my gosh, what a loser!

I dug my hand in my pocket and frantically felt around in vague hope that my phone was there...it wasn't. I checked my other Jean pocket, only to be disappointed once again. Ah, I guess this was turning out to be a false hope. I was close to giving up when I felt a soft vibrating in my jacket pocket, and I instantly started to shake with anticipation.

I was going to be saved, or so I hoped anyway.

I pulled out my phone, but answering it turned out to be quite difficult as I was struggling to see through my glassed over eyes. I didn't realise I was crying...

I couldn't see the caller ID, so I just slammed my finger down on the answer button and hoped for the best. As quick as I could, I put the phone to my ear without speaking. All I could do was hope that the mental man in the front seat didn't see me.

"Jas...Jasmine! Are you there?!" A voice called down the phone, sounding frantic and worried. Jess. Right, 'here goes nothing' I thought as I sucked in some air ready to screech at my loudest.


"What the fuck?!" I heard a shout from the front seat and the car came to an abrupt halt, causing me to fall forward and smack my head on the seat in front. I screeched out in pain as the man jumped from his seat and leaned to the back, grabbing a fist full of my hair in one hand and my phone in the other. Before I could even contemplate what was happening, my phone was out of the window and I was pinned to the back of the seat by a hand at my neck.

I shook with fear, pleading with my eyes for the man not to harm me. Of course, this was ignored and he pulled on my hair harder as I whaled out in pain. I prayed that he would stop soon, pain was shooting through every area of my body.

"Shut up!" He demanded, and I closed my mouth instantly, only my tears were left to talk now.

"Good girl," was his response. Jerk. "I trust you won't be using that phone of yours again. It's my fault really, I should have looked for a phone when I first got you. Anyway, I have to go get gas...and you're going to stay here. Stay quiet. Me and you both know that staying here would be better for you than you even trying to run anywhere. I can be a real, real nasty man."

Boy did I know it, I thought to myself. His hold on my hair tightened when he repeated the word 'real', causing a million more tears to fall silently from my now puffy eyes. Instead of fighting with him, all I did was nod my head. That seemed to please him, as he let go and got out of the car to get gas...not forgetting to lock the doors, obviously.

When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now