Stressed Out

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Midoriya was warm. Bakugou was cuddling him in his sleep, making Midoriya smile. He slowly turned himself over to read the clock. 7:00. School started in 45 minutes, but Midoriya couldn't bring himself to want to go. He was emotionally exhausted. A bit physically too, with all the training he and Bakugou had been doing. He knew Bakugou had to be emotionally and physically as well, Midoriya wasn't the only one Monoma attacked. So Midoriya gently removed himself from Bakugou's arms, putting a pillow in his place. Bakugou probably wouldn't wake up for a bit, not if he slept through his obnoxiously early alarms. He had to be exhausted, which made Midoriya frown.

He pulled out his phone, which Mr. Aizawa had given back to him after sending himself and Nezu all of the audio files incriminating Monoma. He opened his messages and created a chat with Mr. Aizawa.

Problem Child #1:

Hi Mr. Aizawa, it's Midorya. Kacchan and I aren't feeling well and won't be in class today.

Mr. Aizawa (Sleepy cat cocoon teacher)

I figured as much when you and Problem Child #2 didn't come in early like normal. Take today off and tomorrow if you need it. I'll make sure you two get the class work.

Problem Child #1:

Thank you Mr. Aizawa!

Mr. Aizawa (Sleepy cat cocoon teacher)

Np Now let me nap before class

Midoriya couldn't help but giggle at Mr. Aizawa's last text. He looked at Bakugou and sighed. He could probably make breakfast, but what would keep Bakugou from dragging both their asses to school afterwards. Then the idea hit him, a movie marathon day! There was one thing Bakugou and Midoriya both loved almost as much as All Might (almost) and that was shark movies. Don't ask either of them why, like Bakugou would ever admit it, but there was something about shark movies that they loved. And it wasn't just the shark movies with really good graphics like The Meg. No, they both, shamefully, loved the sharknado movies. Midoriya had all the CDs in his room. A movie marathon day of all the Sharknados, The Meg, 47 Meters down (the original and uncaged), Shark Night, Jaws, Deep Blue Sea 1-3, Midoriya had them all. It was a guilty pleasure. One that the rest of the class would never ever find out about. Bakugou and Midoriya would die before they found out.

But their guilty pleasure would be an amazing way to get their mind off of Monoma and get things back to normal. Or normalish. All Midoriya had to do was grab the movies, set up some blankets and pillows in front of Bakugou's tv, get some snacks like popcorn and candy (maybe ice cream? Would that last in the mini fridge?), and make breakfast. All without waking Bakugou up.

It was fairly easy to sneak in the movies, pillows, blankets, and snacks. But making breakfast was harder. By the time he got down there, there weren't too many people left, just Kaminari, who was running late, but that meant he had to cook. Midoriya wasn't bad at cooking, but he wasn't great at it either. However, he could make scrambled eggs, sausage, and pancakes using one of those just-add-water box mixes.

By the time Midoriya got back to Bakugou's room he was stirring awake. Midoriya set the food down by the giant pile of pillows and blankets before sitting down next to him.

He ran his fingers through Bakugou's hair and gently whispered. "Kacchan. Hey, wake up."

Bakugou slowly opened his eyes to look up at his boyfriend. "What time is it?" He asked as he closed his eyes and stretched.

"Movie marathon time."

Bakugou looked at him. "What about class?"

"Mr. Aizawa gave us today, and tomorrow if needed, off due to the emotional stress that is Monoma. Plus we've been training really hard these past few weeks."

"Ok," Bakugou sighed, "how many All Might movies did you bring over? You know we won't have time for them all right?"

"Who said I brought All Might movies?" Bakugou's eyebrows raised. "I brought shark movies."

Bakugou's neutral expression transformed into a smile. "Hell yeah! What are we waiting for then, nerd? Which one are we starting with?"

"Personally, I was thinking we start with the sharknados. Might as well start with the classics."

"Hell yes! Ok nerd, start 'em up, I'll go make breakfast."

"I already did. Now sit your ass down."

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