Deceptive Detention

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"....You do realize Kacchan hates me right? So why would you want me to-"

"Aw, don't be like that Midobro! Bakubro doesn't hate you! Besides, me and the rest of the Bakusquad can't study with him today. We got detention from Mr. Aizawa for being distracted during class." Kirishima scratched the back of his neck. "And... I might have already told Bakugou you were going..."

"What?!" Midoriya's eyes widened. "B-but th-there's no way he agreed to that!"

"But he did!" Kirishima looked down the hallway and began to run off. "Have fun studying!"

Midoriya stared blankly after him. I'm going to die now.

Midoriya stood in front of Kacchan's door, hand raised to knock. There's still time to leave, right? No, if Kacchan's expecting me he'd be really mad. He took a breath and knocked.

The door swung open, an angry Bakugou stared down at him.

"Why are you here, nerd?"

"Wh-what? I thought Kirishima said-"

"What the fuck did Shitty Hair agree to for me now?!"

"Uh, actually," Midoriya looked down, fidgeting with his fingers, "he said that since the rest of the 'Bakusquad' had detention, that he told you I was going to study with you. I tried to tell him that you wouldn't want me of all people to study with you, but he insisted and said you already knew... I can go if you want me too-"

"OI! NERD! Stop mumbling!" Bakugou rolled his eyes and opened the door, "just get in here! I don't have all day. Besides, at least you won't bother me every five seconds for help with the material."

Midoriya followed Bakugou into his dorm to study. He had to stifle a giggle when he saw an All Might poster on his wall. I knew he was just as much a fanboy as I am.

"You know, I'm surprised you let anyone in here to study. You usually like your space."

"I don't. Usually those idiots will just knock at the door until I come out to study. But I already know your room is filled with All Might merch and I don't feel like having a hundred pairs of All Might's eyes watch me while we study!"

Midoriya blushed a little and scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah, I suppose there's a lot of All Might merch in there. I did take some back home after the first few weeks of school though!"

"Great. So there's only fifty pairs of All Might's eyes in there now." Bakugou sat down on his floor with his study materials. "Come on, nerd, Let's start studying. I don't feel like being here all night."

Midoriya sat down next to him. Studying went slowly at first, the two slowly relaxing into a comfortable silence, broken up with micro conversations here and there about the homework or class or even Aizawa.

"And that time Aizawa slapped Mineta with his scarf for staring at Momo instead of paying attention!" Midoriya said laughing.

Bakugou let out a small snort. "Yeah, that pervert should've been expelled our first year! I don't know how he made it to second year!"

"I know right! Oh! Do you remember when Aizawa turned a blind eye to you and the rest of the bakusquad beating him up after he tried to grope Mina!"

Bakugou smirked and let of a crackling of explosions from his palms. "Serves the perverted grape right!!! And don't act so innocent! I saw you use your quirk to knock him out of the tree!"

Midoriya laughed. "What? Me? Use my quirk on a pervert to let you get revenge? Never!"

"Sure nerd" Bakugou laughed with Midoriya. He was enjoying this, being with the nerd like when they were kids, before he got his quirk. He looked at Midoriya, who was still laughing at the thought of Mineta's screaming as the bakusquad beat him up.

"Hey, nerd."

"Yeah Kacchan?" Midoriya turned to look at him.

"...I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry for middle school. It's just. You wanted to be a hero without a quirk." tears started welling in Bakugou's eyes, "You were gonna get yourself hurt. I thought maybe I could make you understand that you couldn't be a hero. And then you wouldn't get hurt."

Bakugou felt small arms wrap around him.

"It's ok Kacchan. I know. And I forgive you."

"You shouldn't! I was horrible and I told you to kill yourself!" Bakugou felt tears run down his face.

"Kacchan, I've known you since we were two. I know when you mean something. And you didn't mean it."

Bakugou collapsed into Midoriya's arms, wrapping his own around Midoriya's small frame and burying his face into his soft, green curls.

They sat there for what seemed, to Bakugou, like hours. Until he finally pulled away, wiping his eyes with his hand.

Midoriya smiled up at him. "So, what are we studying next?"

Hi! Thank you for taking the time to read my story! I hope you enjoy it:)

Kirishima sets the Wonder Duo in Motionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن