Taste of You~Male Tiana x Reader (Soulmate AU)

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A short wholesome one :)

Yes I am still aliveeeeee

I have like 20 different stories I started or was in the middle of writing but have like no idea how to continue it 

Male Tiana = Tian

The first morning of clients had you exhausted to the bones, so you were incredibly grateful for the longer lunch break your boss gave you. Stuck in the bliss of not having people shouting in your ear you felt a subtle sweet scrumptious flavor enveloping your body. The sugary taste of honey made you crave more. You walked around a bit, stopping in front of a familiar restaurant, though you've never been there was always a line that was blocks-long every time you were off work and on the weekends. Today Tian's Palace had only a few people perhaps since it was after the lunchtime rush of New Orleans.

You were sitting down at a table, a man wearing a chef's uniform instead of a waiter, handed you the menu.

"I didn't know the waiters were secretly the cooks." He gave a tired laugh at your joke, "Well all of my waiters are either sick, on maternity leave or at a wedding."

"How are you managing this big restaurant all by yourself?"

"Thankfully mama volunteered to cook with me while Naveen and Lotte are taking front of house, but I gave them a break since neither of them are used to working as much as they did today."

You nodded, recognizing the names of the prince and the mayor's daughter.

"So what would you like to order?" You flipped through the pages before looking back up. "I'm not quite sure, my soulmate was eating something sweet, it was crispy but melted in your mouth. Oh! And it tasted like honey!" Pounding your fist into your palm in an 'aha' motion.

"I think your soulmate just described beignets."

"Yes that's it! They were eating those!"

"Are you just going to have just sweets for lunch?"

You made a point of looking directly at him, "As a sugar addict, without a doubt."

Chuckling he scribbled it down on his notepad.

"Anything else to drink then?"

"Tea if you have." he nodded as he made his way to the kitchen.

Tian's heart could not stop pounding in his chest. He only chatted with you, small talk but he felt like he was completed somehow. He breathed, grateful his mama wasn't here to tease him as he was nervously assembling the beignet, thankful that his muscle memory took over him in his flustered mess. Pushing the door open with his back while carrying the plate of beignets of tea to your table. Carefully placing it down, smiling under hopefully a calm and composed face. You thanked him excitedly at the delicious desert ready to dig in. But first you marvelled at the beautiful plating of the dish. Tian smiled to himself again feeling like a giddy child who was complimented for his work. Making his way back in the kitchen he collapsed onto a chair face red and excited. He sat there for a few minutes before washing his face with cold water in an attempt to wake himself up from his daze he continued his cooking. Tasting some of his spicy gumbo he had cooked up while occasionally opening the door to clean some tables or set things up near you-even though he knew very well Naveen and Lotte would come back any moment to clean the tables.

You stopped by quite often since then, Tian making sure that despite the line there was also somehow miraculously a table set for you. Everyday you ordered something new but you quite liked to finish off the delicious meal with tea and a beignet or two. You loved talking with Tian, asking your boss to switch your lunch times to a later time then the lunch time rush so you could chat with Tian while he took a breather. The conversation flowed easily as he told of his adventures as a frog- which at first was bizarre but from tales of voodoo magic you heard from your grammy you felt that he was telling the truth, besides how else did he make friends with Louis the alligator.

Today was a sunday, Tian's restaurant was closed like it usually was and you decided to have a late lunch at the park. It was a perfect day. There was a soft breeze from the sea and the air wasn't too hot. The sun was close to setting and you took some of your pre-packaged lunch with you to your favorite spot. Settling down with a book-listening to the music of the street performers as the bustle of the city died and people were getting ready to sleep or party. Content with the beautifully old city you ate some of your cut up fried chicken leftover from your meal yesterday. Mama had said if you ate your fried chicken cold the flavors settled in. Just as you were about to dip it in some of it in hot honey,

"(Y/N)? Is that you?"

"Tian! Fancy meeting you here!"

"I was just shopping for some produce for tomorrow and looking for new recipes to add to the menu, what are you doing here?"

"Having some lunch while enjoying this day it's quite nice. Would you like to join me?"

Tian quickly nodded replying with an eager sure before grimacing at his overexcitement. "I mean sure, I would love to."

Spreading out the blanket you were sitting on and moving your things around you gestured for him to sit down.

"What are you eating?"

"Some leftover cold fried chicken and honey."

Tian looked absolutely dumbstruck at what you said.

"Would you like some? I promise it's really good!"

He eyed the chicken you waved in front of him, "I'll stick to my gumbo thanks for the offer but I'd rather not risk it."

"You're overreacting. I've eaten so much of your cooking!"

"I didn't serve cold chicken."

"Rude cold chicken is really good! You're missing out." Smiling lightly at him knowing he meant no harm. You looked back at your chicken, dramatically waving it in the air, "Look at that beautiful honey coating the chicken, and the spices speckling the crust, how perfect! Too bad someone can't taste it, it isn't too late for him to try it you know." Both of you laughed before taking your own meals and eating. But instead of the sweet, spicy and cold chicken you tasted a rich, earthy gumbo. You looked at Tian, he was wearing the same face you were.

"My...soulmate....MY SOULMATE." You laughed out loud hugging him. "You're my soulmate."

"I'm yours." You felt your soul melting at his words but being you, you had to ruin the movement. "How was the chicken?"

Laughing he whispered, "It was delicious, I'll have to ask for the recipe from the lovely chef who made it."

"Well I'm afraid it comes with a high price."

Humming back, "Oh what will that be? A kiss?"

"I was going to say the rest of your life. But that works."

Feigning hurt Tian gasped, "So you won't take me for the rest of your life?"

"I'll take both thank you."

"I'll gladly give you both." 

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