Hot Chocolate~Male Elsa x Reader

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Male Elsa = Elias
Requested by: Myself
Art is not mine
Dedicated to 0SleepIsUnderated0
Thanks for inspiring me. Mwah😘

"Elias!!" You hollered down the hall to your lover's office where he was handling state affairs. To be honest, he's been quite busy since well everything and you really wanted some time with him. It's been weeks since you and him had a decent conversation besides a 'hello' or a quick 'I love you'. You missed the moments when the two of you would just fall into conversation with ease and the two of you would just spend hours simply talking about anything that came to your mind.

Today you were determined to get him to come out, he's working non-stop and needed a rest, you and Anna were both extremely worried about his workaholic habits. Recently though a new drink arrived to Arendelle and you were extremely excited to share it with Elias. You and Anna and surprisingly even Kristoff loved this drink and you knew that  Elias would too after all you knew better than anyone how much the siblings enjoyed their sweets.

"Elias!" You knocked on the door. No response. All you could hear was the rustling of papers and soft mumbling. You sighed, this was not new to you after all this was the typical response you would get when you tried to get his attention.

Balancing the tray of mugs on one hand you shifted the tray to get a better angle to open the door. The hot chocolate smelled lovely and was piled high in whipped cream and a plate of cookies was placed neatly near the two large mugs.

"Elias?" You softly whispered, poking your head through the large oaken door. You could see your beloved working on quite a large stack of papers. He was chewing on his lips, something you noticed he did quite often when he was frustrated and more than before you really hoped this hot chocolate would help.

"Hey, you know even if you're King you can still take a break sometimes?"
Elias didn't look up and instead kept reading the paper he held in his hand.
"Elias you need some rest, I brought some cookies and this new drink me and Anna discovered. It's really good and I really think you'll like it! It's kinda hot and we had to stop Olaf from drinking it because you know what would happen-" You were rambling something you began doing when nervous and you were definitely nervous now.
"Mhmm." Was the only response you got though, not a glance or a nod just a short mhmm and you couldn't help but feel pathetic.
"Elias you're not paying attention are you?"
"So you wouldn't care if I left you?"
Tears began welling in your eyes as you realized what you just asked and the response you were given.
"Wha-I-." You were lost for words, but you weren't suprised. This was natural after all. Someone like Elias should not have to waste time on you of all people and from the beginning you always had your doubts. You put the tray of food down on the table where he placed his water and bowed-something you haven't done since you were his maid many years ago.
"(Y/N)?" You heard Anna whisper to you. You knew though that she already heard everything so you said nothing and just walked away before giving her a small smile.

It's been a week since that and Anna and Olaf were trying desperately to get you to come out of your room but you couldn't let them see your puffy eyes and tired eyes from crying yourself to sleep. But you knew you had to get out somehow. You were sad though, Elias had not come out even once to ask what was wrong, he probably didn't even know what was wrong and you were growing tired of the harsh voices in your head that seemed to grow louder in your head. Doubt, Anger, Pain, they were all there before, they hadn't ever been this loud though.

"(Y/N)!!!" You heard three very familiar voices shout in excitement, you knew it was Anna and Olaf and again and Kristoff? Odd. You and Kristoff were close but he never was very good at emotional comfort. You sighed and wrapped yourself up with a shawl before opening the door.
"(Y/N)!" Anna shouted half in disbelief and the other in worry. She immediately pulled you into a tight hug.
"We were so worried about you we almost had Kristoff tear the door down!"
You turned and indeed there was Kristoff standing with an equally concerned face axe in hand. Huh you thought, they weren't kidding.

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