Hey! That's my BoYFriEnD Male Anna x Reader

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Male Anna = Andreas

You were quite the shy one out of everyone in your family and it was only natural since you grew up in a family with loud siblings so it was a mystery to everyone how you became friends with such a bubbly and extroverted person and the prince to say the least. You preferred quiet and tended to speak on the softer side but as you began to spend time with the young prince you began to start preferring weekends filled with things such as fairs or trying something new with the prince rather than your usual days spent at home cozy with a book and a cup of tea. Today you were out with the prince like most days and your cheerful friend was talking at a speed of 100 miles per hour about everything and nothing. You smiled at his habit and chuckled as he grabbed your hand to a tent with bright colors. The words circus scrawled on a wooden board. Your dress swished against the cobblestone floor as he rushed to a seat, patting the one next to him for you to sit yourself down.

He looked like the happiest in the world as the show began to start his eyes sparkled with excitement like a young child would for sweets. Oh God you were so in love with this boy. You were amazed with the show and the adorable animals as they performed and the acrobats that moved with such grace and the man next to you held the same face as he gazed your face and watched you squeal quietly when the acrobats leaped off into air and latch onto another flying by. The two of you were so in love with each other but quite unable to confess despite your siblings urges to 'let the ship sail!' which you had no idea what that meant but you paid it no mind. Andreas had the same pressure from his brother to do the same to which he would always quickly redirect the conversation to something else.

"Andreas! This is so amazing we should really get Olaf and Elias and my siblings to come next time!" Your voice breathless as you spoke with enthusiasm. He smiled and nodded his head rapidly. Usually it was him that held such a contagious smile but today you did and it was breathtaking to him. As the two of you spoke you could hear the ringmaster say something through a cone that amplified his voice.
"Now we shall choose someone to feed Lola the Lion!"
The crowd murmured in excitement with hints of nervousness at Lola's size and teeth.
"You! The miss sitting next to the prince!" You looked around in confusion as often you did forget that Andreas was the prince of Arendelle since you got to know him so closely. The crowd applauded at you as someone helped you to the ring. Your shyness began coming out as your hands sweat and shook among strangers and the crowd with their eyes on you. You looked to the crowd and spotted him smiling brightly at you with a thumbs up at you and when he noticed your nervousness he smiled brighter and waved at you before hollering.
"Woo! Go (Y/N)!" And then mouthing quietly. "You can do it!" You can hear the crowd at awing at the two of you as you threw him a sheepish smile in return before facing Lola.

To say the least, Lola was just about the sweetest thing aside from the ever lovable Olaf and of course the equally sweet Andreas though Andreas was a much bigger marshmallow to you. You began petting Lola as she purred like a big cat. You laughed as your nervousness faded and you forgot all about the crowd as your attention zoned in on the huge cat that nuzzled into your hand. Andreas felt himself falling in love all over again at your laugh and paid attention to every thing you did his face utterly and hopelessly in love. Soon the show was over and you had to part with the sweet Lola. As you made your way out of the tent Andreas launched in another rant about how amazing you were and how cute Lola looked and how wonderful the show was. And you could only blush Scarlett at his words. Distracted by everything and the adrenaline rush from it all the two of you didn't notice a man walking by and Andreas accidentally bumped into him walking past him in the crowd. He turned around to the man to apologise when the man spat softly out,

"Useless prince."
The comment did not slip by unheard as the crowd seemed to stop as Andreas stopped his apology to question him,
"Excuse me?"
The man looked nervous at first before tsking at Andreas puffing out his chest to make him look bigger and spat at Andreas shoes before saying,
"You heard me the first time you're a useless prince, compared to your brother you're just taking up space in the castle."
You glanced down and saw Andreas' hands clenching white as he was compared to his brother something you knew he was already self conscious about.
The rude man didn't stop there as he continued on with his whining.
"I mean he let a pathetic princess almost take over Arendelle just because he fell in love with her and wanted to marry her the first day they met."
You glared at him.
"Excuse me sir?" You smiled at the awful person sweetly. Your friend looking at you confused. "Do shut the fuck up." Your face fell into an emotionless one something you didn't typically do only when you were extremely extremely mad and it was usually the trick to shut someone up. The man only paused for a short before before foolishly continuing his speech.
"What? It's what we all are thinking!" He looked around the crowd for support but got none when everyone just looked at him in disgust. Sensing that he was failing he turned to you to insult you instead.
"Besides why do I have to listen to a dirty whore like you? You're probably another slut for the prince anyway." At this Andreas was prepared to full on murder this man which you only shook your head at him. Walking slowly to the man you rolled up your sleeves you tsked at the man before sending a huge punch his way knocking him to the ground. The man groaned in pain as you smiled in content as the crowd cheered. You took off your gloves and threw them on the man's face as he grunted.
"Don't insult the love of my life you underserving piece of pathetic shit or you'll regret it forever." Smiling you walked away as the man ran away in fear at your words knowing well that it wasn't an empty promise. You were surprised with yourself as you realized what you did as it was so out of character for you to curse and use physical violence but the man was out of line and you knew it.

Turning back to your royal friend you looked at him worriedly as he gaped at what just happened. You tapped him softly.
"Andreas? Umm are you okay? Sorry for doing that umm I Andreas?"
"Woah that was amazing (Y/N)! I've never seen you hit someone wow your powerful!" You blushed again when he said that quickly ducking your head as you returned to your normal quiet self. You looked back up when you heard he stopped ranting. His face held a smirk and suddenly he looked older than the usual cheeky Andreas not that you minded in the least bit as he looked quite sexy compared to his usual cuteness.
"And also, Love of your life?"
You blushed before quickly defending yourself,
"I'm-I'm sorry! It was in the heat of the moment and I blurted it out and I-" Now it was you ranting and you couldn't stop.
"Nah you're the love of my life too." He gently pressed a kiss on your forehead before continuing. " And you're quite cute when you're angry just remind me never to be the one you're angry at." You chuckled softly at this before agreeing. His eyes suddenly turned murderous and though it was incredibly hot to see him like this you could only hope the best for whoever that was directed to.
"Now to murder that man who called you those awful words."
You shook your head as he walked off to find the man. You shook your head and followed your angry teddy bear as he made his way through the crowd with a determined face to make sure he didn't break ALL of the man's bones though some broken ones wouldn't hurt that much.

Oh before I forget! I'll start doing more chapters with other characters such as Cruella, Úrsula and even the princes! If you guys are okay any specific people please request in the request chapter!

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