You're beautiful Portrait~Male Merdian x Reader-Part 2

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This was longer than expected. Teehee but thanks for all the votes and comments recently they've made me so happy!

As you slowed your horse down, her panting after running so fast you led her to a nearby river you knew very well. As your horse drank you washed your face splashing the cold water, even though nobody was around you hid the tears with the water that dripped down to your face. Crying with hiccups you let yourself drown in sorrow as your horse laid herself next to you enveloping you in a soft warmth.

"Slow down Angus!" You heard a sudden voice call out and rustling of leaves that soon followed it, wiping your tears and getting up in a defense position though you probably didn't look intimidating at all. With your puffed up eyes from all your crying and your hair messed up from the wind you assumed you looked like a crazy person. Looking up you saw first a mess of red hair that was loosely tied in a large ponytail, strands of hair framing his strongly jawed face. Alarmed eyes looking at you he shouted across the rushing river, "Hey miss! Are you alright?" You smiled and nodded your hair while taking your large sleeve and covering your face in embarrassment to have somebody witness your meltdown. You turned around debating whether you should leave or stay.

Your pondering was interrupted with the loud splash of water, turning around you saw the same man from before struggling to get across the river, which wasn't that deep but the water was coming downstream fast and there were many slippery rocks. You laughed as the man trudged through with annoyance at the rocks. At the sound of your laughter the man looked at you in wonderment. In his brief moment of distraction his horse, whom you assumed was named Angus bumped into him causing him to fall on his side with a loud, "Woah!" as he crashed. You sat up straight worried before he came back up spitting water out and moving his curly hair that was now fully untied, his ribbon somewhere downstream. Seeing he was okay you burst into a fit of giggles.

Undoing your own hair tie you took your ribbon and gathered up your dress you tied it up with your ribbon. Taking your shoes you carefully dipped your feet into the water, the sudden coldness sending a shiver down your spine. Crossing the river you made your way to the red head. Holding out your hand and using all your might to help him up. You didn't know but at that moment Meridian thought you were an angel. Surprised by your strength the both of you made your way to your side of the river. Your horse cautiously approaches Angus, "What's this lovely lassie's name?" You smiled at him, "Beth! The one playing with her is Angus right?" Nodding his head the both of you watched them play around staying in comfortable silence. Neither of you know what to say.

"Were you the one who was crying earlier?" He said not turning to face you but you could tell that he already knew the answer. Nodding your head, even though he can't see you whispered a soft "Yeah". He turned to look at you, his face soft. "Would you like to talk about it?" At first you were taken aback. Not many people would take the time to listen, especially not a stranger. Turning to face the river again you sighed out loud, plopping yourself down on the grassy bed of flowers and fallen leaves. "You don't have to if you don't want to, I just thought it might help." You often talked about your issues with Beth, but a horse could never offer advice and truly understand your emotions. Besides telling a stranger wouldn't do any harm. Taking a deep breath in, you looked the stranger in the eye and began telling your story.

You had finished, of course cautiously leaving out certain details like the fact that you were a princess and your name, providing a substitute of Jen, the name of one of the archers you were close with. By this time the stranger had sat down next to you, throughout the telling of your stories he would make small comments here and there-laughing at your jokes and then looking at you with empathy when you spoke of your mother. After you were done you felt a great deal of weight lift that you didn't know existed. You weren't mad anymore but dejected. "So what are you going to do now?" Laying down your hair sprawled across the grass, "That's just it. I have no idea WHAT I'm going to do but I definitely can't go back." Thinking for a bit the man who you learned was named Harris, Meridian had also given a fake name. "And why is that?" "Because it's clear that I'm not wanted there and besides how can I go back, mother is probably furious beyond comprehension and I don't want to go through that right after I stood up for myself."

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