Notes~Male Rapunzel x Reader

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Male Rapunzel = Rapunzel
Female Eugene = Eugenia
I'm gender-bending Flynn Rider but not Mother Gothel and of course I'm gender-bending Rapunzel

You made your way to the tower careful to make sure no one was nearby to see you pass through the collection of vines and various leaves that carefully hid your destination. You had discovered this place accidentally when you were picking wild herbs and happened to find the ones that hid the entryway was just the ones you needed but upon reaching for them your hand had passed through and you were greeted with a magnificent small patch of grass and a tower and a bright blue sky that could be seen through the opening. Of course being the incredibly curious person you explored the area and discovered a man living in that tower. You've been sneaking to see him after and before work making sure to avoid ever encountering his mother. From what you heard about his mother she was quite the manipulative and toxic person but Rapunzel loved her and ignored your warnings. You were afraid that someday he night be hurt by her when he realizes her true self. Of course you never met the woman so you wouldn't know everything about her.

You hollered Rapunzel's name and he threw down his hair that acted as a rope for you to attach a basket to it for communication. You couldn't climb up just in case his mother came home earlier than expected. Today though you had a different type of item inside the basket that you usually filled with food or new books as the poor guy has only 3 books to read. You often also included drawings you did of the outside world since he never seemed to have seen it before. You put a picture of yourself well a portrait you had done with 2 of your friends in the background. Attached to it was a small parchment which you had neatly written "Guess which one is me?" Tugging slightly on the hair you signaled for Rapunzel to pull the hair up with your basket in it.

You waited a bit before the basket was sent back down with the contents you had originally put in gone. You noticed he had put a paper in it which read,

(Y/N), you know that I can still vaguely see how you look like from above through my window right? You're the one in the middle of course oh and are those the same cakes from last time?!

Hurriedly grabbing your pen you wrote on the parchment laughing at his love for sweets. He made excellent pies though but not much of any other sweets. You had filled the basket with chocolate lava cake from the last trip which he seemed to take quite a liking to.

Hey you know I don't know what it's like to look down from such a high tower though I do think it's quite unfair for you to see my face but I can't see yours. And I know you know those are the same cakes you probably already ate them while I'm writing this!

You know me too well I can send you a picture of myself if you would like I painted one somewhere let me find it while you are receiving this letter.

Patiently waiting as you assumed he was searching for the painting he did of himself you could imagine a person fumbling around a room for his lost item. About halfway through the pie you were eating which he had sent down with the last note you heard the basket come back down. Brushing off the crumbs from the pie you picked up the painting. A man with beautiful green eyes and light skin with a strong jawline was portrayed gazing the lanterns that you knew to be the lights for the missing prince. The man looked longingly at the lights and you assumed that Rapunzel wanted to see the lights for himself someday.

Are you sure this is you perhaps you made yourself more handsome in this than you actually are. Pfft okay jokes aside do you want to see the lanterns?

Indeed I do (Y/N) it has always been a dream of mine afterall they are so beautiful and they happen to be on my birthday each year which is like a gift from someone, somewhere to me. Perhaps we can see it together one day. And yes I do look that handsome Pascal agrees as well! You're just a jealous person of my luxurious locks.

Disney x Reader (Genderbend And More)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin