You're Beautiful Portrait~Male Merdia x Reader Part 1

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This will be posted in 2 parts the next on hopefully will come out next week, originally this wasn't 2 parts but I had made reader's backstory way too long as per usual so more juicy romancey stuff next week. 

Note! For the part 2 of my last chapter, Reconciled I'm still working on what will go in it since I wasn't planning a part 2 but if anybody has any ideas do let me know!

Male Merida = Meridian

"You're breathtaking my love."

You stared at him taking in his soft sleepy voice as he gently brought you close to him as he gently kissed your forehead murmuring compliments in your ear with every peck. You looked forward to falling asleep in his arms and waking up and cuddling with him every morning. To you this was the most wonderful thing to be blessed with him and to be so in love with him and to be loved by him. A few years ago leisurely lying with your beloved was something of fantasy but here you are and here you were happy.


Compared to your sister and brothers you saw yourself as a plain girl with no special attributes besides being able to write and tell stories. As a princess having this as your only trait was useless to your parents, especially your mother. You having this skill brought no benefits for the kingdom. Your sister was an esteemed general and strategist, your younger brother an excellent negotiator and ambassador. Your eldest brother is good at creating laws and bringing profit to the kingdom. Your parents were excellent monarchs, perfect even but as a parent they weren't even there.

When you were young, you didn't even notice how your mother would have tea with your sister but not you as an energetic child. You spent your time running around the palace telling your stories to the palace staff as they worked or the horses in the stable as you fed them sugar cubes and carrots. But you were no longer blissfully unaware you saw how brightly your mother smiled when your sister was training with the knights, her love and adoration was clear. But when you saw you after a day in the forest writing she talked loudly before shaking her head and walking away. Under her eyes even when you didn't say anything you felt her nitpicking everything and you would quickly become the quiet insecure girl that you hated being.

Today like any day you made your way back to the castle after, it was already quite late when you exited the stables you were about to head over to your room before one of your mother's maid noticed you and headed over. You sighed knowing that you were probably needed by your mother to be reprimanded in your studies again or of your late arrival back home. Before you would take a bath before going and spend a few minutes combing your hair to make yourself presentable in front of your mother but then she would scold your lateness and still somehow find a fault in your appearance.

You made your way through the dimly lit hallways to the large door of your mothers. Knocking on the door before slowly opening the door you found your mother and sister laughing together as your mother combed the long silky locks of your sister. Together with the light soft glow from the lamp they looked like the epitome of family, a perfect picture you could never be painted in. Softly not wanting to disrupt the two you whispered, "Mother? You called for me?" Your mother's tinkling laugh stopped and turned to look at you with accusatory eyes, "Can't you see I'm busy with your sister right now? Wait outside until we're finished." Your sister grimaces at your mother's harsh tone before whispering her apologies to you and mouthing 'I'll try to hurry it along.'

You sat yourself next to the doorway, waiting for a few minutes before your mind wandered to a make believe world of wonders where the characters you created were dear friends. You didn't realize your sister poking you for your attention until she started pinching your cheeks. Playfully glaring at her you rubbed your cheeks dramatically, though it didn't really hurt. Your sister looked at you expectantly. You already knew what she was asking. You often wrote your stories and would give your siblings a read after it was done. In the past they would often argue who would get to read it first. This time it was your sister, Ophelia's turn. You shoved her face away from yours, "Writing takes time ya know you'll have to wait." Getting up your back cracking. How long have you been sitting for? Knocking like before you entered her room.

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