Truly, I love you~Hercules x Reader

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Can I just for one second send my love to all of you sweet wonderful people. The positive compliments and the sweet comments are just so overwhelmingly kind and all the votes it has made my days for the rest of my life and I'm just so grateful to have the most beautiful readers in the entire history of writing. So please enjoy this angst (I know contradictory but I just wanted to thank you lovelies)

You loved him and he loved you, that much was true but sometimes you wondered why he did. There was a large gap between the two of you that even when he held you in his arms you felt like he was miles away. There were many people who chased after him but for him to choose you made you wonder if there were so many options that were better than you, he could leave you anytime. Were you selfish to want him to stay even though he deserved so much more? Even though you tried your best to banish these thoughts they nagged at you from the back of your mind like a tug of war pulling up your anxieties and worries.

"What's wrong dearest," Hercules whispered, gently kissing behind your ear that pulled you up from your daze. Jolting in response you gave him a small hum before reaching in your pouch and paying for the pastry that was in your hand. The two of you held hands walking down the bustling road, Hercules holding some groceries once in a while pausing for a fan. Being the lover of Hercules meant that you had to treasure every moment with him, more than most people did. You never knew when he had to run off to save the world and if he would return, he was the strongest man of all time but he was still human.

Nearing you home you heard sudden screams of terror, Hercules looked back at you-whenever he had to go he always felt sorry so like always you reassured him by taking his hand in yours squeezing it tightly before placing a small kiss on his knuckles. You took the bag from him, Pegasus already ready with his armor and weapons he flew off. Making a small prayer for his safety you struggled at your door with all the heavy bags. What you saw was a face you despised.

"Oh no what's with the sour greeting sugarplum?"


"Now don't get too excited. We have a long journey ahead of us so why not lighten up a bit," Cackling he dissipated into black smoke. Feeling light headed you collapsed to the floor, the bags dropping from your arms, the contents strewn over the floor.

You woke up to cold floors, you were gagged and chained preventing you from escaping. The smell of musk and death made you sick. Looking at your reflection from the shiny metal that wrapped around your legs and hands you were a mess. Your hair tangled and knotted. Dirt smeared your face like you haven't been able to fix yourself up in days. Has it been days? How much time has passed?

"Good morning sunshine...Was the sleep pleasant?" Cackling Hades made his way towards you from his throne. Grabbing your chin he inspected you, disgust pooling in your chest at his touch. Biting his fingers in defiance you received a harsh slap to your face. "If I didn't have to deal with you then you would be long gone Birdie"

"Whatever you want from me you'll never get it."

"Who says I need permission, I've already kidnapped you, what's stopping me?" You didn't have a response for this but you scowled nonetheless.

"All you have to do is quietly go to sleep." Waving his hand, you tried fighting back the sleep but the god's power was too strong for a mortal like you.

You woke up again, this time in a dream world, there was something peculiar about the world. It was cold and chilly and way too real but you knew it was unreality. The chains on your hand were still on you but if you tried to pull at them it sent a wave of pain down your arms and legs, making you collapse. The chains were connected to something but from what you could see it led you nowhere. Time was different in the dream world, you didn't know how much time had passed in the real world but you were desperate to leave soon. You tried willing yourself to wake up to no avail. For what seems like or could be hours you walked around trying to find a way out but nothing about the crooked twisted rocks gave any hint that you needed.

"(Y/N)." Immediately you turned to the direction of his voice at last you were saved. You ran at him, the chains allowing you to move to him. Your bare feet bled onto the sharp stones but you cared for nothing but to be safe in his arms and forget all of this even happened. Just as you were about to throw your arms around him the chains felt excruciatingly heavy causing you to drop down onto your knees as you were forced to stay still in place. "I don't need you anymore." You froze. Your heart dropped. "W-what? Hercules what are you saying?" You looked into his eyes, looking for some sign of fibbing. But you couldn't, watching him turn away and run enthusiastically into the arms of another. Your heart couldn't bear it anymore you stood up and started to run away but the chains shot pain into your legs pulling you down.

The scene shifted, you held a dying Hercules in your arms. His lips cut up and clothes torn. The strongest man in your arms lay weak on your lap. "It was because of you I died. Because of your weakness. Because you hold me down. I love you as much as I love rubbish." His body faded into blue mist. This isn't real. This isn't real. This was just Hades trying to break you. Hercules will come. And he will save you like he always does. But after 5 more scenes you started to lose hope. After 10 you started to think the chanting was just mindless, thoughtless craziness. And as hundreds of Hercules told you how much he hated you, how much he didn't love you-you started to believe them. So when you woke up to the hazed faces of Hercules, Phil and Pegasus looking down you screamed. Out of pain. It broke Hercules' heart to hear you scream like that. To look at the brokenness of your eyes and know that no amount of reassuring would ever heal you. And not just the mental trauma but the physical ones you bore all the wounds from the dream world.

He had to watch you for days as a new cut appeared on your cheek, on your arm, on your face and did nothing but cry. At one point you started bleeding so much he almost went back down to the underworld to pummel Hades into a million pieces. The only thing that stopped him was not wanting to leave you. He wrapped up your bandages, redid them as they were soaked. Wiped away sweat from your forehead and cleaned your wounds waiting for you to wake up.

"Get away from me." Hercules looked at you shocked but you couldn't believe anything. "Get away. Get away I said! I know you hate me! I know how this scene plays out. GET. AWAY. FROM. ME." You cried the last part out in wrangled sobs. Curling yourself into a ball away from what you thought was unreality. "(Y/N)? (Y/N)?!" Whatever you had faced was so much more than any monster he ever had to fight but he did what he only knew how to do. He took your hands. Holding them tightly but no too firmly just enough for him to try to ground you and himself really. Trying hard not to break down with you into tears. He held your hands. Delicately tracing circles around your wrist waiting for you to calm down enough before pressing a soft kiss onto each knuckle. "(Y/N)? I'm here. I'm real. Please believe me." You looked at him for a second almost believing him before you thought to the tens of scenarios that were just like this. Pulling away harshly you held your hands gingerly and that was when Hercules started to cry harder than he has ever cried before. Phil could only look on in as much pain as a father would for his daughter. Pegasus gave a soft whinny for the girl who would sneak him extra carrots and come out on cold nights with blankets for him.

"(Y/N). You have to trust me I am real." He took your hands again holding it to his heart. "Please trust me. I love you. I love you. I love you (Y/N), so please." You sat in silence, tears streaming down both your faces. "Can I really believe you?" You knew he was real by now his pulse was different from all the hundred hollow clones but you needed to ask. One more time. "If you are willing to stay with me after all this, yes."

"But you did nothing wrong."

"I failed to protect you."

"But you did in the end."

He just smiled softly at you pressing another kiss to your knuckle.

It took you a while to heal not fully but at least mostly. You woke up in the middle of night often from nightmares. When you did Hercules would do as he always did kiss your knuckles then press your hand to his heart as you fell asleep to his heartbeat. You were also gifted by all the gods with magical protective gear and Phil had you mandatorily trained to defend yourself. And when you and him walked or cooked or just sat together he would always say "I love you." to make up for all the pain or perhaps to give you newer memories of sweetness. But after all this you knew that he loved you, truly he does and that you loved him.

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