Mosaf flower~Male Ursula x Reader

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Male Ursula=Ursel

Requested by: Sly_Shadow

Note: Midway I gave up thinking of foods mermaids eat so I'm just using land foods but imagine they can grow under the sea~

You wanted to fit in, you always did, but you never seemed to be good at it. Often your sharp tongue was to blame, but you never meant to be intentionally rude or mean. You were blunt and honest, it was hard to lie but even harder for the merfolk to see you as anything but a good person. This was why at the moment you were standing in front of King Triton as he read all of your "crimes". You looked around the crowd watching intently, some looked satisfied that you were to be punished.

Charlotte and Ava stood next to each other. You looked back at them disappointed. Charlotte, you saw with Ava's boyfriend and you had warned Ava saying something along the lines of being, "How could you be so blind not to see that your OWN friend is betraying you as well as your boyfriend there are toxic people in your life that are hurting you so WHY in Poseidon are you still staying with them." Admittedly you had been harsh but it was definitely not the first time you had to deal with something like this. Charlotte had taken your harshness and twisted it for her own benefit and now both girls had hated you.

Grant who needed the courage to ask somebody out and you had helped but was rejected also glared at you. There were plenty more stories but you didn't regret anything. People here in Alanticia were too busy living in such a blissfully unaware world that you, who brought reality and invaded their fantasy was an evil thing. Snapping back to listen to King Triton when you heard him say. "And lastly you are banished for poisoning my daughter's mind." You scoffed under your breath. Ariel was one of your only friends, and just a few days ago she had found a sea witch and became a human. You at first had tried talking her out of it but Ariel was as stubborn as ever so in the end you gave in and decided to help her by searching the location of the exiled sea witch with books from the royal palace. But of course he didn't bother asking you any of that. "Well my dear sweet King since I'm going to be banished anyway, I would just like to say," Your voice is confident, no signs of fear or backing down or regret that sent waves of emotion through the crowd. Some were at your blatant rudeness, others in awe, but you continued. "You. Are. A. Terrible. Father. And a ruler if I may add. Preventing your daughter from doing anything like she's a prisoner because of your fears, hating her actions because she's in love, sure it may be foolish but to degrade her for it *scoff* I even doubt your skills as a ruler." There was something special about the red anger creeping from his neck up to his cheeks until he was as bright red as the coral that grew near your house.

You waited until he was about to talk before proceeding to continue talking, this time your sharp tone directed at everybody else watching. "And you guys probably think I'm crazy but you guys are the ones who are stuck in a world that does not exist. You coward behind darkness instead of confronting it and dealing with it and doing that the world is worse." Pointing at Ava's boyfriend, "The only thing sicker than a cheater is a bad best friend, I bet you that if you were to ask anybody, Ava you would see that Charlotte went on dates with the VERY guy you say is innocent, they kissed probably FUCKED and you're denying it. But I warned you, and I ran out of every reason to open up your eyes. It seems like none of you have eyes in the first place." Before the guards could come and escort you to exile you swam quickly far away by yourself, because if you were going to leave you're going to leave by your own choices and not for a fake reason from a King who placed blame on someone else.

It's been a few days since you left, you swam for a good few hours before stopping and setting base near a cave. You made a raggedy bed out of rocks and wood from sunken boats. Everything would be alright if you weren't currently starving. You couldn't seem to find any food in this desolate area. Your stomach growled and you were tired from the lack of nutrition. You could barely move to catch anything and if you were to catch anything it would probably get away or be a tiny goldfish. "How pathetic it is for you to die from starvation after your incredible feisty way of leaving Altantacia." You didn't know who this person was (if they were even real and not a hunger driven hallucination) but you definitely didn't appreciate them coming here and bothering you. "If you're gonna be a figment of my imagination can you AT LEAST be nice?" Huffing out frustrated as you got up from your makeshift bed. "It's really rude to interrupt somebody's last moments you know." The mysterious man started laughing, seemingly at you. "You're quite a cutie aren't you."

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