Part 2 of The Artist and the Mermaid

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This was requested by ALittleFrazzled
Keeping it short ;) And no Aaron will not fall in love with you because no. The cliche is too unrealistic.
I'm so terribly sorry this is last kinda cheesy but I wasn't planning to write this until you requested it but I hope you like it at least a little bit!

For the other requester I have edited your idea so it the initial beginning won't be what you wished but something that resembles it.

Love can be quite horrible sometimes and fate seems so cruel. To end a life because she was not loved because she was not loved back and to die knowing she wasn't loved. And to have the two most important people in her life not notice it. That was all your cousin thought as she cried for you when she and her new husband found you there on the rock. Your body cold but the smile on your face still there like it used to but it didn't hold the same brightness it used to. Erica couldn't help but feel so guilty how could she? Your cousin not notice your hurt? Your weakening body? Everything that would've pointed to this. Could have prevented this. She felt hopeless. The first time in a long time. Her husband, Aaron tried to comfort her. But in truth he couldn't help but feel the same pain as she did. The same hopelessness and regret. She still wore the seashell necklace he gave her. He could only think why couldn't he bring himself to love this girl? But he knew even if he tried he couldn't. He loved Erica and he just felt hateful that fate could do this. And for that he cried harder.

(Y/N) deserved to be loved by someone better than him. If only fate gave her more time. She would've found someone else. She would've survived but that was all hopeless wishes as it was all too late.

They read her letter of farewell. Her joyful voice was could be faintly heard as they struggled to read it with the sting in their eyes. Her words held no regret, no pain and no resentment to the couple. Even in her death she wished the couple happiness. As they read the last line their hearts broke further.

Please bury me near the ocean

Erica clenched the paper tightly before whispering,
"She will have the finest funeral even if it means all of this country's riches."

"Mama! Papa! Look what I drew."
Erica and Aaron turned to their daughter who grinned at them with 2 missing front teeth as she held up a drawing she did.
"Oh (Y/N) what did you draw this time?" Their daughter was beginning to look and act more and more like their sweet friend who died much too young.
"The ocean! I love the ocean! It's my favorite thing in the world! Besides mama and papa of course!"
Tears pricked Erica's eyes as it was something her dear cousin said once so many years ago.
"Oh let mama see then!" She smiled at her sweet daughter before turning to smile at her husband his eyes soft as well.
(Y/N) shyly handed them her new painting.
"Is that a mermaid?" Aaron gasped out his voice breaking.
"Yeah! It is! But I can't figure out how to do the tail it seems wrong for some reason but I think if I draw it again I should cut it down by 1/4 and then it'll look right and I should use different colors too! And I-" She stopped when she saw her parents smiling with tears streaming down their face. "Mama...Papa...what's wrong? Did I do something wrong?"
The two silently pulled their daughter into a tight hug."
"Nothing's wrong sweetie. Everything is just right."

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