Helpless~Male Snow white x Reader

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Y'all we hit 2k reads and I am shook. Sorry an update took too long I had an incredible case of writer's block hope y'all enjoy.

You were a nobody and oh god did you wish you were somebody because perhaps if you were a somebody maybe you could do something. But you weren't somebody and you couldn't do anything but cry yourself to sleep at the recent news. The news the hunter delivered to the King. Snow White was dead.

His heart. You saw it from afar the bloody box that carried it, the smell it omitted. The solemn face the hunter held as he held it up his head hung in shame. Your stomach churned as every bit of happiness you had vanished and you were left with nothing as you held back tears and the need to just wake up. To wake up from the horrible, terrible, awful nightmare you were having. You squeezed your eyes shut tightly letting the tears spill out as you held back sobs. But when you opened them again nothing in front of you was changed and the King held a sadistic smile and the box was still there.

You stood in the shadows watching the King leave with the box in his arms like a prized trophy. You made your way to the man that still was kneeling in front of the empty throne. You thought of all the questions you wanted to ask. The answers you yearned for. But at the same time you didn't for knowing would make it even more real. All you could do was choke out one question to the man.
"Did you...did you...was there a body?"

You were returned with silence and you knew that there wasn't a body. At this you finally broke down, you collapsed on the ground gripping in tightly to the fabric of your dress. Your wails could be heard throughout the lonely and dark castle. Your lady in waiting rushed over to you as they comforted you and held you in their arms. Everyone looked at you, pity in their eyes as they looked on at your trembling body. They too had tears in their eyes, for Snow White was the one thing that made this castle worth living in. But now it was an empty hollow place.

You didn't know when the tears stopped or when your lady in waiting left or when the moon showed it's face. Getting up your whole body felt heavy and you knew your face was probaly quite the sight to see but none of that mattered now because the one thing that you cared for was long gone. No proper burial for him. You hated it. Because the one thing you could've gave him was at least a proper burial to send him off. But even that you couldn't because you were a helpless nobody. And he was someone that made you feel like somebody and you couldn't even arrange a proper funeral for him. At that you truly felt useless. The only thing you could do was go to your quarters and pray for dreams of him because he would still be alive in your dreams.

"It was declared that the kingdom's only prince, Prince Snow White shall be married as decided by the King himself. He shall be married to..."
You stood with many of the other townspeople as they held their breath for the name of their new princess. The people chattered among themselves. Perhaps it would be a noble, Countess Mariella would be a fine option or perhaps it would be some foreign princess. 
"Now to announce the new princess it will be..." The herald paused dramatically but as he read the next words he sputtered in confusion.

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)?" You felt all eyes on you, their faces most likely matching yours. Lips twisted in confusion and eyes scrutinized your figure. Your dirt stained face and shoeless feet. And the rags you wore were short of everything that a princess should wear. The Countess Marigold spoke with jealously dripping from her tone, "As if the King would make Snow White marry the poorest girl in all of the kingdom, perhaps it is a foreign princess we don't know the name of. Or some kind of mistake. You are quite the joker my dear herald." The crowd laughed at her  remark and you couldn't help but feel disappointed at your own status.

"No there is no mistake! The King wrote this himself and it says (Y/N) (Y/L/N) the poorest woman in the land."  The crowd erupted once again in shock and you were blushing in embarrassment when the words, "poorest woman in the land." Struck your heart for the second time today and it hurt more knowing that the King of all people wrote those exact words. Guards escorted you to a carriage headed for the castle and you got on. You couldn't say no to them and you knew that surely there was a mistake and you would be sent home by night. But for now you just wanted to escape all the taunts they had for you.

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