Chapter #4

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"Draco, I've got it all settled. Potter will be coming to the tattoo shop today. Are you ready?"

I sighed. Pansy's idea wasn't the best. She was desperate and scared so she didn't think too straight about our plan. Her plan was that we would be trapped in an elevator together for a few minutes, I ask him out, and bam we fall madly in love.

I sensed a few flaws in the idea but there wasn't time to worry about any of that.

When Potter walked into the elevator I quickly followed.

"Malfoy? What are you doing here?"

I smiled slightly, "Pansy works here. I was bringing her lunch, she forgot it this morning."

Potter nodded barely. He didn't smile and he didn't look at me. I started to get a bad feeling about this.

In seconds the lift came to a stop. Potter cursed loudly. And pressed the emergency button a few times.

"I don't think that's going to do anything."

Potter glared at me, "No shit Sherlock."

I gave him a confused look, "Who is Sherlock?"

Potter just glared again. I sighed lightly and leaned against one of the walls.

Potter followed and his head hit with a smack but he didn't move.

"So," I started awkwardly, "Looks like we've got some time to get to know each other a bit more."

Potter just glared some more before closing his eyes tightly. With each second I was finding it harder and harder to keep my cool.

"Ok, well I guess I'll get to the point. I'm gay, are you?"

Potter's eyes flew open. He just stared at me for a long second.

I carried on, just wanting this moment over really, "Well if you are, I was wondering if you would go on a date with me."

Potter's hand was quickly on his wand and he pointed it at my chest.

"What are you playing at Malfoy?" His voice was cold.

His wand on my chest and the look in his eyes brought me back to that day in the bathroom. The smell of my own blood, the ceiling just staring down on me. That day I thought I was going to die and hoped that I would, it was peaceful and I knew I wouldn't have to finish the mission he gave me anymore.

I just put my hands up defensively and leaned my head back closing my eyes tight. I could feel Potter's angry eyes pierce through my skin. Seconds passed before the lift started to move again.

Potter backed away and I let out a shaky breath. We stopped at the floor and he got off in a huff. Once he was off and away I ran to the nearest closet.

I had a panic. I felt a lump in my throat and told myself to breathe. I was there for only about a minute when I heard someone approaching.

"I'm guessing it didn't go how we wanted."

I laughed lightly, my voice sounded fine, "Not exactly."

Pansy sighed heavily. I could almost feel the tears running down her face. I used the moment of silence to swallow away the lump in my throat.

"Let's go Draco." Pansy finally said, her voice was still fine.

When I opened the door she smiled at me and I smiled back, we were fine.


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