Chapter #14

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My magic was rapidly becoming weaker and weaker. I had started having to sort through mail by hand. I couldn't even burn them by myself so now I was stacking them up and waiting for Weasley to burn them for me.

I sighed. It was about noon but Weasley had said that he had a meeting and the Granger had some work she needed to catch up on. So I decided that I didn't actually need lunch today. It didn't matter anyways, it's not like I eat anything anyways.

Knock knock knock. I didn't really care who was visiting me. It's not like a lot of people did but I didn't really care.

"You can just walk in. It's not like I have a door." I said as I read through a stalker letter.

"Uh hey, Malfoy." Potter said.

I froze slightly before placing the note down and turning around, "What do I owe the pleasure, Savior."

Potter rolled his eyes and magiced up another chair, "How are you feeling?"

I felt my chest tighten up with fear. They wouldn't have told him would they have. My face must have shown my concern because he hurried out his reason for knowing, "When I took you home that day Pansy said you had been sick recently."

I relaxed a bit and nodded, "I'm fine. And by the way, thank you for taking me home."

Potter nodded but didn't say anything.

We sat there in an awkward silence for a few seconds so I turned around and started to go through the mail again.

"I'm sorry." Potter said after a little while.

I didn't turn around, "You are forgiven."

"How did you know what I was saying sorry about?" He asked me. His voice was a lot less cold and was actually very nice to listen too.

I leaned back in my chair and turned back around, "I didn't but it was obviously your fault and it probably hurt my feelings."

"Seriously you get your feelings hurt?" Potter asked with a slight laugh.

I smirked lightly, "Of course not, I'm too prideful for that. But it could have hurt my feelings if I wasn't."

Potter laughed lightly and shook his head.

I smiled at him.

Potter looked up and his face went serious, "I'm sorry for saying you were drinking before visiting Teddy. And for what I did to you back in 6th year."

I nodded and turned back around, "Like I said Potter. You are forgiven."

"But I shouldn't be."

I laughed lightly, "The great Savior doesn't think a death eater should forgive him. Never thought I would live to see the day."

Potter sighed, "You aren't a death eater. Not anymore."

"Why thank you for that observation Potter but that doesn't really change the fact that I was a death eater."

"But that doesn't mean you still are." Potter said.

I turned back around and pretended to move my sleeve up to reveal my dark mark but before I even moved it he flinched slightly.

I nodded and moved my hand away, "No it doesn't but it does mean I still get that reaction."

The room went silent for a long time so I sorted through the mail again.

"Where is Ron?" Potter asked after a while.

"He had a meeting." I told him while reading through one of the stalker letters.

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