Chapter #16 -part 4

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"If you want then you all can stay tonight." Potter said looking at the 5 passed out bodies on the ground.

I took a deep breath. I wasn't feeling good and taking all these guys home when my magic was a bit faulty was probably not the smartest idea. I looked back at Potter, "We wouldn't want to intrude."

He shook his head, "No one else lives here. It gets a bit lonely anyways."

I sighed, "Alright. I'll get them all up early so we don't bother you though. And we will all clean up in the morning."

Potter laughed slightly, "You really that worried about staying here?"

I gave a slight chuckle, "I just don't want to be a burden."

"You, a burden? Don't think it's possible." He said sarcastically.

I laughed lightly and walked over to Daphne and Astoria. I grabbed Astoria's hand gently and she smiled.

"My prince. Are you my prince?" She asked drunkenly.

I gave her a sweet smile, "Nope but he is on his way."

"Really? You're kind of hot though." She said.

I laughed lightly, "I've been told. But I'm more partial to guys."

"Oh bummer."

I laughed lightly and followed Potter through the house. I helped Daphne into the same room, she thanked me and snuggled with her sister.

I took Blaise to the next room but he was out.

"Do you do this a lot?" Potter asked.

"Party?" I asked him.

"No. Carry your drunk friends to bed?"

"Oh," I laughed lightly, "They don't get this drunk usually but when they are drunk, yeah, I help them get back to bed."

"Why?" Potter asked me.

I smiled slightly, "Oh you know so when I want a favor later on then I can remind them of this moment so they feel obligated to do it."

"Seriously?" His words showed more surprise then his face did.

I laughed slightly as I put Millicent in the room with Blaise, they slept together a lot of the time when they had nightmares, "Of course not Potter. I'm selfish but not a horrible person. I do it because they are my friends and they would do the same if I were to get drunk."

Potter hummed as a response.

I dropped down in front of Pansy and shook her arm lightly. She didn't wake up so I sighed and put her arm on my shoulder. Potter showed me to the next room.

"I saw you with Astoria and Daphne. Are you like the ruler?"

I laughed again, "Wow Savior you really have a way with words."

He shook his head but smiled at me.

I smiled back, "Not a ruler, more like a logical person to listen to. I don't force them to or anything but it just happens I guess. They all ask me for advice all that, sometimes make some rules for them."

"What do you mean?" Potter asked.

I shrugged a bit, "Well, take tonight as an example. Astoria wanted to hook up with someone but Daphne wanted to make sure she was safe so they came to me to set the rule. I took both people into consideration and told them the rule was you couldn't leave the house but you could hook up with anyone you wanted."

"Oh. So you're the mom friend." Potter laughed.

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, sure, I'm the mom friend."

We made it to the room and I set Pansy on the bed gently. She smiled as she rolled over. I sat down and watched as tears fell down her eyes.

"I don't want you to leave Draco." She whispered.

I looked down at my lap, "I'm not going anywhere right now."

"No. I don't want you to leave me behind."

I shushed Pansy but she soon turned over. I watched her body shake with tears. I went to place a hand on her but didn't touch her. Instead I walked back downstairs.

I sat down on the couch. My head started to spin faster and faster. I felt like I was going to be sick.

"Draco? Are you okay?" Potter asked.

I didn't move for a few seconds but once the world started to turn black I frowned a tiny bit, "I don't think so." I fell onto the couch.


716 words

Sorry for the late updates recently... here are 2 parts to make up for it... 

Hope everyone is having a great day!!!

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