Chapter #11

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"You're all good Draco." Weasley told me. I nodded but didn't stand up. He usually had a few more questions to ask, "How have you been feeling lately? It looks like your headaches have been getting worse."

I nodded, "The headache potions seem to not be working anymore. Not really sure why." That was a lie, sorta, the curse had started making me almost immune to getting headaches potions which absolutely sucks because they are starting to get really bad. I had also started to realize that getting out of bed was becoming harder and harder each day.

"It doesn't look like you have been sleeping much."

I sighed, he was right. When the sun fell my headaches became 1000 times worse to the point where I couldn't even open my eyes and even closing them can be painful beyond belief, "I think I just have a little sickness right now. It's nothing too serious."

Weasley didn't look like he believed me. But he nodded and I left to go back to sorting through the mail. I had hit the 5 month mark, It was actually now starting to hit me just how scary this all was. I didn't tell anyone about this though. Pansy had been really good at pretending she didn't care about it at all, but now that she was starting to see the effects it was having she had become more sensitive about it. I was trying to seem like it didn't affect me but it was becoming harder to ignore.

When I looked at the stacks of stalker mail on my desk I couldn't help but sigh. I didn't want to sort through mail anymore, let alone Potter's. We hadn't really become best buds over the last few weeks, I mean I didn't really give him a chance though. When he came to visit Teddy I would make an excuse to leave.

The day went by slowly but after what felt like 10 hours Weasley showed up at my area.

'Ready to go out and eat?"

Against better judgement I made a face of disgust but grabbed my bag anyways.

Weasley smiled at me and we walked to the restaurant. My head was throbbing from all the movement so I didn't realize the extra person at the table. I leaned back and tried to think the pain away but it wasn't working.

"Draco you good mate?" Weasley asked me and I nodded my head slightly.

After a long few seconds the headache went away slightly.

I then realized that Potter was joining us today. I shifted my head away from him quickly causing a strong stringing for a second to pulse through me.

The waiter came over a short while later. Everyone ordered but I just shook my head, "I'm alright for today. Thank you though."

Granger gave me a stern look but the waiter was already gone, "Draco you have to eat something."

I nodded but didn't say anything more.

"Did you party too much last night?" Potter asked, his voice was cold again.

I looked over at him and waited a few seconds, "Well looks like the Savior is right again. I went out and partied like I never had before because why the salazar wouldn't I. You know while we are still on the subject of saving the world and all, maybe saving one more would be helpful of you."

Potter turned and gave me a stern look, "That person better not be you or I swear-"

"You swear what? You'll kill me, you'll hurt me. Come on Potter you have had more than enough chances to do your worse to me and haven't."

He didn't speak for a long second, "You've been having these headaches for a long time now. How many times have you gone out drinking with your friends before you go to visit Teddy? You think that is just amazing for him to be around."

I laughed. It probably wasn't the most logical thing to do but I wasn't really in a sane mindset, "Oh yes. I think it's the best thing for my cousin." I rolled my eyes at him too.

He pulled out his wand though and pointed it at my chest. I felt all the fear all over again and it felt like even more with all the stress about dying added to it. Half of me wanted him to end it right there, at least I could go on a good note, not some sappy long death.

I closed my eyes tightly and felt all my muscles tense up. It didn't help my headache but I figured having a panic here in the middle of the restaurant wouldn't be the best idea.

"What are you up to Malfoy?" His voice was so cold and filled with anger. My mind was filling with all the times I was terrified for my life so it took me a second to realize I was actually talking.

"You know everytime you pull your wand out at me, I think back to 6th year. I was just talking to Myrtle, crying but, you know, that's beside the point. You just appeared and the next thing I know I'm bleeding out on the floor. I remember thinking that dying on that floor would be the best thing for me. I wouldn't have to finish my mission, it would be over for me. Of course, sadly, I lived and still got the scars to remember the event. You have pulled that wand back out at me twice, if you bring it out just hex me like everyone else does okay? Don't keep me wondering if this is the time you will actually kill me."

I stood up and nodded to the others, placed down 5 gallons and left to head back to work.


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