Chapter #15

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"Draco!" Pansy yelled from the kitchen.

I was playing against Blaise for the champion of our chess game. I was winning of course but that didn't stop me from shouting checkmate like I didn't think I would win.

Blaise shook his head and everyone rolled their eyes at me.

I stood up and laughed again, "Salzar where can I find some real competition out here?"

Pansy walking into the room with a note in her hand, "This is for you, from Harry."

I nodded but took the note. It was an invitation to his party that was tomorrow, he told me that all the Slytherin's were invited.

I smiled at the note and looked at the others who were trying, but failing, to have no interest in why I got a note from him.

"Potter is throwing a party tomorrow and we are all invited." I casually said, grabbing a cup of tea from Dolly, Pansy's house elf, who was standing close by, "Thank you Dolly. You do make the best tea." She smiled back at me before apparating away.

Everyone's eyes were shining bright but I just rolled my eyes.

"Why is Harry inviting you to his party?" Astoria asked.

I didn't answer for a long time but I could feel everyone waiting intently. I sighed, "Weasley and Granger were busy the other day. He invited me to lunch where he just mentioned throwing a party. Then something about inviting me because we were friends." My voice got quieter the more I talked.

For a long second the room was quiet but it soon erupted into cheers. I shook my head at them all but couldn't help smiling slightly. Pansy jumped over to me with a wide grin.

"Do you know what this means Draco?"

"That I have made a new friend." I responded.

She pretended to not hear me, "That you won't die. You guys are already friends. It will be no time till he falls in love with you."

I took another sip of my drink, "Don't get your hopes up Pansy."

Pansy's face dropped, "Why shouldn't I? You are friends with the guy who you need to help break the curse."

I nodded, "Yes you are right Pansy but it took 6 months for us to become friends. You think it will just take a few days until he loves me? And besides Pansy he can't even look at my dark mark. He won't get over that, not ever."

Pansy's eyes filled with tears, "Tell him then! Tell him what happened and how he needs to fix the curse."

"He has to mean it Pansy. You know what the guy is like, when he can't save me he will be devastated."

"He can at least try! Why does it matter how devastated he is or not?"

I didn't respond and took another long sip of my drink.

Pansy shoved me slightly, "Why does it matter Draco! This is life or death if he can fix this then he needs the chance too!"

"Exactly, if I tell him I'm dying then do you think he will fall in love with me? He doesn't want to lose more people he cares for."

"How do you know that!" She yelled back at me.

I set my drink down and crossed my arms at her, "Do you want to lose more people that you love? Because I don't."

"Of course I don't Draco, that's what will happen if Potter doesn't cure you! I lose you!"

I nodded, "You only lose me though darling. I have to lose everyone, that includes Potter."

"But he could help you Draco! He could cure you!"

I just looked at the floor.

"Why does it matter to you if Potter is so devastated?" Pansy yelled.

I stood up straight and looked Pansy in the eyes, "Because Pansy, I would rather die than see his tears!"

Pansy took a step back.

I unclenched my fist that I just realized was clenched and reached for my glass, "I would rather die than have Potter crying because he couldn't save me."

Pansy let out a sob.

I looked back down at the floor, "I love you Pansy more than anything in the world but having Potter of all people cry over me because he knew he couldn't save me would be worse than dying."

Pansy had tears streaming down her face. She didn't say anything more and I took the time to go upstairs to get some sleep. 


749 words

The next chapter will be split up into a few parts as it is very long. Sorry for that lol

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!

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