Chapter #12

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"Pansy." We were in Pansy's bed again. Looking out at the night sky. Pansy was snuggled up under my arm and I could feel my shirt getting wet by her tears.

Pansy just hummed in return.

I sighed, "I'm going to be a bit boring for a second."

Pansy's head shot up and she whipped her tear stricken face.

I sighed again and snuggled close to her, "I don't really want to die." I said quietly.

Pansy petted my hair gently.

"I don't want to die but there is nothing else for me to do. I won't be able to cure the stupid curse. And there's so much I still want to do."

Pansy wrapped her arms around me tightly.

I hugged her back as a tear fell from my eye too. I didn't want to leave Pansy, or Blaise, or any of the Slytherins for that matter. I, strangely, didn't want to leave Granger and Weasley either. I didn't want to leave Teddy who had so much death already.

All I want to do is live. Live like everyone else. Some normal life where I'm not almost killed every time I take a step. I don't want to have to fall in love with Potter, that git, just so I can see more of the world.

I ended up falling asleep in Pansy's room that night and when I woke up the room was empty. I looked over at the muggle clock that one of Pansy's ex had bought her. The time read 1:30 pm. Good thing it was the weekend.

I sighed and rolled over in the covers. I didn't want to get up, the bed was comfy and there was nothing I needed to do today. But soon there was a knock on the door. Before I could say anything the door was swung open and the Slytherins started filing in.

I gave them all a smile as Millicent set a tray of food in front of me. I gave a slight smile in return and everyone gathered around me.

I took a few bits of the food then set it to the side, "What's up guys?"

They gave me sad looks and I instantly shot glares at Pansy. I was a bit confused, there was no way she would betray me like this especially after me being boring last night. She shot her hands up defensively.

"We heard you last night." Blaise cut in.

I looked down at my lap.

Millicent touched my shoulder lightly for a second, "We knew you were sick and all but dying?"

I sighed, "Yes, yes. I, the great Draco Malfoy, am dying. I know it was nice knowing me."

The group gave me annoyed looks but also smiled slightly.

I smiled back at them though and threw the covers off me and started towards the door.

"Were you ever going to tell us?" Blaise asked.

I looked down at the floor, "Let's not be boring."

Blaise stood up in a huff, "How can I not be boring! We live together. We have been friends since forever. Pansy said you only have 7 months left, when were you going to say anything to us about it? 3 months till you died, or were you going to wait till you were on your deathbed."

My eyes filled with tears and from Blaise's voice I could tell he was crying. I turned around slowly, "I didn't tell you because it doesn't matter. If I told you 5 months ago what would have you done? Nothing because that's all we can do. I don't like being boring, I don't like when people are boring about me!"

A horrible headache emerged from my rage and I took a shaky breath before leaving the room.

"Draco!" Pansy yelled but I had already left.

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