Chapter #28- Part 3

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I stayed in bed for about a week. The others were always around. Smiling at me and Pansy making a celebration to throw away the outfits I had picked for my funeral.

Once the week was over though, the doctor and Hermione showed up.

"We are going to cast some healing charms on you. It will all happen in the next week, but you will go through the worst days of every month. It can range anywhere from mental to physical pain. And it can even cause you to relive memories. But you will be back to normal by next week." My doctor said.

I took a sharp breath but nodded to her. She then nodded to Hermione and they cast the spell. It stung and burned through me but I knew that it was only going to get better. I felt a few tears fall down my face but after only a few more minutes the pain was gone.

I sat there and took a few breaths and Hermione walked closer to me to check if everything was okay.

I gave her a slightly sad look, "I haven't seen Harry. How is he?"

She gave me a soft smile, "He's been better. He's been through a lot Draco, but almost losing you was the worst I have ever seen him. And now, the idiot has some great idea that your feelings were all fake."

I sighed and leaned back in bed. I then closed my eyes tightly, he was such an idiot. But then I gave Hermione a light smile, "Thank you. For telling me."

Hermione hummed softly in response and did the rest of her check ups.

The first start of the week was horrible. Immense pain and guilt. It was like feeling every month packed into one day.

But when Friday came around the pain was bearable again.

It was about dinner time when I decided to leave.

I stood up, slowly and realized just how much work this was going to be. From not walking in about 2 months, I felt like my legs were made of jello. But I didn't mind all that much. I had a thing I needed to do and there was nothing that was going to stop me.

Once I was standing I used the wall to help me to the closet. There I picked out some new clothes. Something nicer than the pajamas I had been wearing. I then headed downstairs. It made me hate my room all the more with how many steps I had to take but nothing was going to stop me.

When I got to the bottom of the stairs I saw a rack of canes. They were my fathers, I could never bring myself to get rid of them no matter how much I resented him.

I looked at them for a long second before sighing and grabbing one. My father had hardly ever used it and it matched well with my outfit.

I then headed to the others. They all gave me shocked expressions and Pansy instantly stood up, "Draco what are you doing? You need to be resting."

I gave her a soft smile, "Pansy, love, I've been resting since forever. And I have something I need to do. Now, could someone please apperate me to Teddy's?"

"They are coming over in a few days, can't you just wait for them." Pansy said.

I gave her a light smile, "Pansy. Please."

Pansy crossed her arms and looked to the floor. I sighed. But then Blaise spoke, "I can take you there I guess."

I gave him a bright smile and he nodded. He hooked out arms and I held tightly to him as we appeared at the small cottage. I smiled at him again as he apperated home.

I walked up to the door slowly and knocked on it, hoping that I was right about the time.

I could hear the walking of someone towards the door and could hear Teddy's little feet behind them.

"Harry, who do you think it is?" Teddy asked and I smiled because I was right.

"No idea, Teddy. Let's see, shall we." Harry said as he opened the door.

He had opened it most of the way when he finally registered it was me. I gave him a sweet smile.

Teddy practically tackled me to the ground though when he came to hug me. Squealing slightly and yelling, "Draco! You're here!"

I laughed at him softly and ruffled his hair slightly.

Soon Andromeda walked into the area, glaring at Harry slightly when she noticed I hadn't even been invited in. She soon let it go though and waved me in before wrapping her arms around me into a big hug.

I smiled at the touch and we stayed there for a minute before she let go.

I looked over at Harry who had his head down and a small frown.

Andromeda gave us a knowing look and grabbed Teddy's hand, "Come on Teddy, if Draco is going to stay then we need to set the table and I need help decorating some of the cookies."

Teddy jumped up and down as he followed her and I leaned against the wall and looked at Harry.


877 Words

 Sorry for the long chapter. But this story is almost coming to a end... Hopefully you are all enjoying it! 

Have an amazing day!!

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